Boycott Amazon!

I just got ripped off by one of their merchants. I was sent a computer book without the CD that holds the exercise files, rendering the book 100% useless.When I returned the book (at my expense), the “merchant”, bray726, claimed that I damaged the book (after I saw it was missing the disk, I put it back in the box with the original paking material), and Amazon allowed the to shortchange me on the refund.

Greetings from,

This notice serves as confirmation that we have initiated a refund in the
amount of $18.94 for Order # ***** from [email protected].
Here are the details of your refund(s) related to this order.

Item: Refund for Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out [Paperback] by
Viescas, John L…
Refund: $18.94
Reason for refund: Since you have agreed to accept a different item of
lesser value we have processed a credit to your account as requested by
the merchant
Memo from seller: The book was in horrible condition when i received it,
it took you 2 weeks to return it giving you plenty of time to retrieve the
info you needed from the book. The condition of the book obviously shows
you USED the book within the past 2 weeks.

Total refund for this order: $18.94

The amount I initially spent:


Shipping Details : bray726
Order number: *****
Shipping Method: Standard Shipping

Subtotal of Items: $19.95
Shipping & Handling: $3.99
Total for this Order: $23.94

Shipping To

Robert Hurley

Not to mention the $9.60 I spent on return postage, bringing the total amount to $33.54!

And Amazon won’t even let me file a claim until April 10! That’s three days from now.

Here is a screenshot of the address of the alleged “merchant”, bray726: The Computer Lab, RR1 Box 1485, Henryville, PA, from Google Earth:


SCREW AMAZON! More on this later…

Love and War and Peace

It’s Not You, It’s Your Books

Published: March 30, 2008

Some years ago, I was awakened early one morning by a phone call from a friend. She had just broken up with a boyfriend she still loved and was desperate to justify her decision. “Can you believe it!” she shouted into the phone. “He hadn’t even heard of Pushkin!”

We’ve all been there. Or some of us have. Anyone who cares about books has at some point confronted the Pushkin problem: when a missed — or misguided — literary reference makes it chillingly clear that a romance is going nowhere fast. At least since Dante’s Paolo and Francesca fell in love over tales of Lancelot, literary taste has been a good shorthand for gauging compatibility. These days, thanks to social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, listing your favorite books and authors is a crucial, if risky, part of self-branding. When it comes to online dating, even casual references can turn into deal breakers. Sussing out a date’s taste in books is “actually a pretty good way — as a sort of first pass — of getting a sense of someone,” said Anna Fels, a Manhattan psychiatrist and the author of “Necessary Dreams: Ambition in Women’s Changing Lives.” “It’s a bit of a Rorschach test.” To Fels (who happens to be married to the literary publisher and writer James Atlas), reading habits can be a rough indicator of other qualities. “It tells something about … their level of intellectual curiosity, what their style is,” Fels said. “It speaks to class, educational level.”

Pity the would-be Romeo who earnestly confesses middlebrow tastes: sometimes, it’s the Howard Roark problem as much as the Pushkin one. “I did have to break up with one guy because he was very keen on Ayn Rand,” said Laura Miller, a book critic for Salon. “He was sweet and incredibly decent despite all the grandiosely heartless ‘philosophy’ he espoused, but it wasn’t even the ideology that did it. I just thought Rand was a hilariously bad writer, and past a certain point I couldn’t hide my amusement.

–from the New York Times

More hilarity…

Nothing to look at here…

Move along…


Amusing addendum to the above, found today in the news, regarding our President & web branding…

Bush Library’s home on Web is unsettled

Many addresses that could be a match for facility are already taken

07:57 AM CDT on Tuesday, April 1, 2008
By KAREN BROOKS / The Dallas Morning News

AUSTIN – While President Bush’s advisers were taking offers on an ideal spot for his library and museum, they probably should have paid more attention to the virtual real-estate market.

Officials finally settled on Southern Methodist University in Dallas to house the $250 million complex.

But online, some of the best addresses are gone – snapped up for mere dollars by squatters with no connection to the library, hoping to make fun of the president, protect him or simply cash in on his name.

At one time, the Bush Library Foundation owned the easiest Web site to remember:

But whether on purpose or because of an oversight – foundation spokesman Taylor Griffin wasn’t sure – it lost that domain name last year. Illuminati Karate, a Web company in Raleigh, N.C., picked it up for less than $10.

CONTEST! Dr. Jack needs a Campaign Slogan!

The story:

Kevorkian Kicks Off Congressional Run

The Associated Press
Monday, March 24, 2008; 8:27 PM


SOUTHFIELD, Mich. — Jack Kevorkian, the assisted-suicide advocate who served eight years in prison for second-degree murder, announced Monday he’s running for Congress as an independent.

Kevorkian, 79, is jumping into a competitive congressional race, challenging a Republican incumbent for a district in suburban Detroit.

“I’m not a politician,” Kevorkian said, adding he is not tied to anybody or anything. “My mind is free. So I can say what I think.”

Although he has been nicknamed “Dr. Death,” Kevorkian didn’t say much about assisted suicide at his news conference. He alluded to it, though, saying: “What I did was my right.”

If elected, he said his main priority will be promoting the little-known Ninth Amendment, which protects rights not explicitly specified elsewhere in the U.S. Constitution. Kevorkian said he interprets it as protecting a person’s choice to die through assisted suicide or to avoid wearing a seat belt.

Person who responds with the best slogan wins… uh…

um… bragging rights or somethin’…

the rest of the story

Phun with FotoChop

the original photo:


with levels (histogram) and color adjustment:


channel mask applied; separate levels & color adjustment:


channel mask applied; separate levels & color adjustment;
cool sky, but unsuccessful merge:


Three rocks for $20

Just another “only in Berkeley” story…

Our story begins:

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Tree-sitter’s battle branches out at Cal
Patricia Yollin, Chronicle Staff Writer

In the tree-sitting business, where location is everything, UC Berkeley’s newest arboreal celebrity is holding court from the branches of a huge oak in the heart of campus.

“Some people walk by and tell me to get a job,” said the protester, who answers to Fresh, on Wednesday afternoon. “But a lot of people are tired of being apathetic.”


Fresh said he climbed into a nearby cedar on Feb. 25 and set up a banner with these words on it: “The world is watching. Can UC change?” A few day later, he came down but then took up residence in the oak tree, which is across from Wheeler Hall and just north of Sather Gate and Sproul Plaza.

His concerns are broad – everything from Cal’s deals with BP and Dow Chemical to how it treats campus custodians and Indian remains – but his major target is the UC Board of Regents that governs the university.

The oak is now encircled by metal barricades erected Tuesday night, and two campus police officers are there around the clock, said Mitch Celaya, assistant chief of the UC Berkeley Police Department. “A lot of people are sick and tired of seeing people in trees,” Celaya said.

Last Thursday, passer-by Jessica Schley was arrested for obstructing an officer after she defied police orders and tossed a water bottle to Fresh, who has not been allowed to receive food or drink. He is now fasting on the juice of lemons and oranges, the remnants of which were scattered around the base of the tree.

Wednesday, he drew a steady crowd of visitors, including Zachary Running Wolf, a leader of the Memorial Stadium tree sit-in who has been arrested a dozen times. “I love it,” Running Wolf exulted. “Now it’s down here in the middle of campus.”

Not surprisingly, UC Berkeley spokesman Dan Mogulof had a different reaction. “It’s not clear to us what his goals are,” he said. “This is a ridiculous and seemingly pointless way to get attention.”

Fresh got a friendlier reception from about 30 students from Antelope Crossing Middle School in Sacramento. They were on a campus field trip when they spotted the tree-sitter. Pressing against the barricade, they bombarded him with questions.

Is it fun up there? What if you fall down? How do you go to the bathroom? Why don’t the cops come up and get you? Why don’t they use a helicopter?

Seventh-grader Vlad Tkachuk, 12, said, “I thought it was a bum at first. It’s hard to live in a tree.”

the dénouement

Tree-sitter comes down, is cited

Steve Rubenstein,Carolyn Jones, Chronicle Staff Writers
Saturday, March 15, 2008

BERKELEY — A protester who had been perched in an oak tree at UC Berkeley for 17 days declared victory Friday and climbed down, where he was promptly handcuffed by UC police and cited for trespassing.

The protester, former business student Michael “Fresh” Schuck, returned to earth a few hours after police confiscated his hammock and sleeping bag, leaving him alone in the rain with only a backpack and blanket.

“I felt like it was the right time to come down,” Schuck said Friday afternoon as he sat with his friends in a circle outside the UC Berkeley police station, burning sage and stretching his legs. “My goals were accomplished. I wanted to raise awareness and create a discussion and dialogue.”

Schuck, who has been fasting since his roost began, said he was thrilled to be on solid ground again. His friends planned to celebrate his return with a party Friday night.

“We’re going to cook for him,” said Megan Zoe, a senior majoring in human rights and social justice. “He only eats raw food, though, so I’m not sure what we’ll cook exactly.”

Before Schuck decided to make his return to planet Earth, it was not at all clear when, or if, he would ever descend from his perch 20 feet above ground.

All morning, rumors circulated that Friday was the day. A group of tree-sitter opponents calling themselves “Students Against Hippies in Trees” said they would show up and hold a rally of their own, to make sure that the anti-tree-sitting cause was represented near Sproul Plaza along with the dozen or so other causes whose supporters were pitching their spiels and handing out leaflets at folding tables.

Many students, accustomed to seeing people in trees, streamed by with barely a glance. A few stopped to holler up at Schuck and ask him if he was coming down.

“It is what it is,” Schuck replied.

By noon, about 15 cops and a crowd of 200 souls had gathered beneath the tree, which was ringed by police barricades. People in the crowd began jawing at one another until someone suggested that everyone sit down in a circle for a “dialogue,” and that’s what happened.

Supporters and opponents of the tree man took turns speaking to one another, politely and cordially, to the dismay of the three-rocks-for-$20 man.

Through it all, Schuck gazed down with what seemed to be a smile at the scene he had created. “And here we all are,” he said.


Terrorists strike at the Heart of Western Civilization

Those terrorists went too far this time…

Popular porn site hacked by prudes

Turkish hackers take down

Written by Iain Thomson, 06 Feb 2008

Hackers yesterday shut down one of the most popular porn sites on the internet. is in the top 100 most visited websites, and was temporarily shut down by a ‘Turkish cyber-terrorist’ group calling itself ‘Hacked Netdevilz’.

“No porn!” the site read. “We’re not the first but we’re the best.”

The site, which attracted four million visitors last month, is now back up and running on a different server, but experts are poring over the site’s logs to find the vulnerability that allowed the security features to be bypassed.

Redtube posts submitted videos, in the same way as YouTube, and attempts are now underway to discover whether the security hole is common to other web 2.0 sites.