New Toy

When I was younger, I used to be constantly surrounded by photographers. Oddly enough, because I was less visually oriented, and more literary oriented. Consequently, I’ve never owned a camera in my adult life, and only bought my first TV when I was… *ahem*over thirty… (sure, I was offered a few. For free. Naturally, I was suspicious…)

Well, I no longer own a TV, but I now have a chee-zee digital camera gizmo on my cell phone. The inevitable result of this state of affairs can be found here.

I can feeee-ulll a creative spurt a-comin’ on!

Either that, or I’m way too amused with my new camera-phone. Check my photo album for updates.

Today I went to the Sonoma coast, first to Bodega Bay, where I visited the schoolhouse where Alfred Hitchcock filmed The Birds (the church next door also seemed familiar). Then it was north to Duncan’s Landing, where I frolicked on the beach. OK. I didn’t frolic much, but I watched the cool waves coming in & breaking on the beach. Then North, past the turnoff to Jenner onto Highway 116, along the Russian River, to Guerneville & Armstrong Redwoods State Park. I could get used to living there. Well, except for the annual flooding…

I would have taken more pictures, but my phone wasn’t fully charged. I’ll have to go back when it is (and remember to take my phone down to the beach with me instead of leaving it in the car).

When I call my mom this weekend, she’ll ask me what I did this week. I’ll say, “Nuthin’. How ’bout you?”