some of my best pictures yet!

As I’m certain you’all know :whistle:, I went to Linux World 2007 at the Moscone in San Francisco. I took a couple of shots from the expo with my trusty pocket camera (which I was unable to load up to my blog that day)– but I know everyone out there has seen computer shows before, and knows what they look like. This one was no different…

So, after taking a couple of laps around the convention center floor, I left and took a stroll out back in Yerba Buena Gardens, snapping pictures. Some results can be viewed here…



New Photo Album

Hey– three weeks of this stuff & it’s lookin’ like I’m getting the hang of it. I may have to change the title of my photo page from Bad Photographer to Barely Adequate Photographer.

The set I just added is called Reflections n Stuff; the title was probably inspired by the poetry of popular pop singer Jewel. :whistle:


Also, I’m gradually adding to another album, Artsy Fartsy, which is mostly me playing with filters in Photoshop. Keep Posted for Updates!


Rough day…

I got a late start on things, and got practically nothing accomplished. When I got off the bus down the hill from where I live, I spotted my new friend Jeannie hard at work in the


through the front window


and went in to chat. I took a look at some of the new artwork, took a few pictures, and then I was forced to eat tempura shrimp, fresh garden vegetables and rice!

Ah, the Humanity!!!


Finally, they tried to break down my resistance with fine California wine™, but a man’s got to draw the LINE…

Postcards from… um… the place where postcards come from…

A lot of people have been telling me how lucky I am to live in the scenic California Wine Country™, and I have to agree: it’s just like living in a freakin’ postcard!

Ya know… the best thing about postcards…

they’re from someplace else!!!

I guess I can’t complain (OK, I can… for one thing: I’m broke), I mean, talk about upscale?

This is where I stopped in to use the restroom after I got off the bus:



Not bad. But it’s only slightly bigger than the house I currently live in

Welcome to beautiful suburb-o-politan Santa Rosa


New picture album, featuring the town of Santa Rosa, self-proclaimed home of the late Charles Schultz, creator of the famous Peanuts cartoon series (Charlie Brown, for those unfortunate souls who live in countries far far away, without access to our fine American™ Cultural Traditions)

(self-proclaimed, anyway, by the Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce. Schultz himself lived in Sebastopol, located one town over. And EVERYONE knows that Snoopy drinks ROOT BEER.)

red wine, indeed
