Bad blogger! NO Skittles!

I recognise that my blog is primarily an exercise in typing, but…

Worked a job for awhile that paid more money than I've ever made in my life, but I quit. Before I worked (quit) this job, I thought the expression, "You couldn't pay me enough to work for this guy" was just an expression

But no. I worked for the "pointy haired guy" on crack. Anyway, I'm back!

Hello? Hello?

I'm taking my copies of Name of the Rose & Mumbo Jumbo down to the used bookstore to trade in for a copy of Catch-22. I'm going to be working on a website for a non-profit here in Petaluma, so that should keep me out of trouble for a couple of days…

Ah well… once again, all logged on & nada to say.


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