Mini-Photo Safari through Pearl District in Portland

Had a visit from my favorite peeps who came down from St. Helens to take Karen’s Mom (you remember Karen) to a doctor’s appointment.

And although the visit was short, it was really nice to see them again. After they dropped me off near Samaritan Hospital, I decided to jump off the streetcar in the Pearl District to take a few photos. First, I hiked a few blocks north to an industrial district which is evidently undergoing some rapid redevelopment.

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I took a shot of the Fremont Bridge, which carries Interstate 405 over the Willamette River


then I walked south through the Pearl District (forgot to take a picture of one of their fancy-schmanzy signs that say “Pearl District”– but this‘ll do…)


Then I went south to Director Park


and over to Pioneer Square, before catching the bus home.