In January of 1979, I took off from College of the Redwoods to head to the High Desert of the Oregon/Idaho borderlands to view the Last Total Eclipse of the Millennia™ over North America(™?). There would not be another such eclipse until 2012.
Who'da thunk the Earth would still be in existence at this late date?
Well, it's HERE! The path (shown HERE on NASA's website) runs from the coastal Oregon/California border to the base of the Texas Panhandle this Sunday evening.
I was reminded of this event a couple of months ago, and was debating whether or not I would travel to see it (let's see… I can either check out the annular eclipse– or I can eat for the rest of the month…)
It didn't occur to me at the time, but I then discovered that the path of the eclipse would take it directly overhead at Mt. Shasta in California. I remember as a child, visiting some friends of my mother's who lived there. Even then it was reputed to have more cults (and particularly wacky cults at that) per capita that any other town in the United States (or World, for all I know)– and I suddenly realized that (especially since the 1970s, when New Age became so popular) Mt. Shasta City would be absolutely BURSTING with colorful gatherings of fringe groups observing the occasion.
I was not disappointed: when I googled the terms "Shasta eclipse 2012" I found a veritable wackopalooza of websites dedicated to the hysterical historical conjunction:
The amazing Grand Pleiadian Eclipse Alignment, an astronomical alignment that happens only once in approximately 26,000 years, will take place at what we believe is the most powerful spiritual vortex on this continent: Mount Shasta.
Mount Shasta is believed to be the base of the arch-angel Michael, be a dimensional vortex, and sit above the lost Lemurian city of Telos. It is where the 1987 Harmonic Convergence took place with thousands of people. It is already being covered by the media as "ECLIPSE FEVER!"
This annular eclipse begins over the Earth's sixth chakra in Ten Ri City, Japan, then cuts across the US, over Shasta, the Hopi Nation and ends at the "Heart of the Dove" in Lubbock, Texas. This alignment of the Sun, the Moon and the Pleiades also puts us into a direct line to Alcyone, the Central Sun of this neck of the galaxy around which our little solar system rotates. And, as you know, the Pleiades has been linked by the Mayans, Aztecs and Egyptians as the constellation most responsible for the Ascension and evolution of the Human Race. – (click here & scroll ALL the way down the page)Sean David's Message:
Mount Shasta is believed to be one of the most powerful spiritual vortexes in North America. Legends say the ancient Lemurian city of TELOS still lies beneath it, that it is an energy base for the power and majesty of the Archangel Michael and the flaming sword of God. It is sacred to the Ascended Master St. Germain and all of the energy of Pacific Northwest can be controlled from Mt. Shasta. I led a meditation group there on October 1, 1989 to shift, mitigate and change the energy of the coming San Francisco earthquake. The quake happened on Oct. 17th, and my guiding masters told me the energy had to be released but that we had, "Saved the city from destruction."♦ The coming May 20th Solar Eclipse was predicted by ETs in TWO MASSIVE CROP CIRCLES in 2005 and 2011,
…that showed the ECLIPSE, the DATE of 2012 in a Mayan T'zolkin wheel, AND showed the period between the Eclipse and the VENUS TRANSIT 16 days later on June 8, 2012. Yours truly discovered many of the correlations behind this event! The 2011 Crop Glyph also had the date October 28, 2011, encoded within it, which Dr. Carl Calleman believes was the true end date of the Mayan Calendar.
♦ BOTH THESE EVENTS ARE DEPICTED ON THE "END PLATE" or the last pictogram of the Mayan Calendar of 2012. They are two symbols on the UNDERBELLY Of the BLACK WATER DRAGON sky serpent that is flooding the world at the behest of two black demons!
Gather and Embrace the Powerful Energy which is pulsing to bring the 144 Crystalline Grids of Light into full activation. Mt. Shasta is one of the most powerful places on the planet. The energy of the OM Crystal, The City of Telos, the connection to the Lumerians, St. Germaine’s Retreat and so much more pulse through this region of Gaia.
The Crystalline Council of Light, the Sirian/Pleadian Alliance and the connection to the Temple of One in Atlantis are the reasons Spirit has directed me to be present during this powerful up shift and final activation of the OM Crystal of Multi-dimensionality here in Mt. Shasta.
As you continue to evolve and raise your Light quotient, power places such as Mt. Shasta can significantly effect your own Spiritual awakening and evolution. During this potent time in cosmic history, as Gaia continues her ascension process, it is highly beneficial to be present when the crystals that originally pulsed in Atlantis ignite and come into full activation. These crystals effect the human matrix and activate memories, wisdom and a deeper understanding of who you are.
Join me as we gather for Sacred Ceremony, Light Matrix Activations and a profound Celebration of our roles as Multi-dimensional Beings of Light, holding the Highest Frequency within our Human Vessel, fulfilling our role as way-showers for humanity to propel into the Next Golden Age of Light!
The 2012 Solstice of OM, AA Metatron Channel via J Tyberonn, The OM Crystal of Shasta & Completion of OM
“Greetings beloved! I am Metatron, Lord of Light. And so again we speak of Shasta. Indeed its importance is tantamount to the expansion of the Crystalline Field.
Masters the Solstice of June 2012 is an incredible gateway, and this mega Solstice may be termed the ‘Completion of OM’. For at this time, the Council of Crystalline Light, the Ascended Masters will gather at the multi-dimensional etheric portal of Mt Shasta and cluster in enclave around the heralded Master Atlantean Crystal of Om located beneath the masiff of Mt Shasta. The beloved Sainte Germaine along with The Council of Crystalline Light and the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance will host the opening of an extraordinary portal during the Solstice Phase."
Annular Eclipse and Earth’s Energy Grids
It seems that Solar Eclipses have a profound effect on the Earth’s subtle energy grids and ley lines. All powerful events that occur on Earth leave energetic memory imprints in the Earth’s energy grids. These can become amplified and perpetuated by the energy flow through the grids, which is fed by the movements of the Sun, Moon and planets overhead. Powerful negative imprints, such as war, misuse of power or emotional trauma can block or damage the energy flow in a particular region of the planet, causing the energy to become distorted.
Eclipses provides opportunities to release these negative energy imprints and enable new, positive patterns to become encoded into the Earth grids. Hamish Miller, the renowned UK dowser found that, as an Eclipse shadow passes overhead, the Earth’s subtle energy lines power down to almost nothing, becoming indiscernible to dowsing; then as the Sun’s light returns, the grids spring back into life. This is a bit like deleting an old computer programme, loading a new one, and then re-booting the system. Annular Eclipses have a very subtle effect on the energy grids, releasing, transforming and healing the etheric energy ‘blueprint’ that can enable new spiritual archetypes to emerge into collective consciousness.
The Plumed Serpent & the Rainbow Serpent
Author Robert Coon describes two major Earth energy lines, or Dragon lines, encircling the planet from east to west. These are the ‘Plumed Serpent’ or Great Male Dragon line, and the ‘Rainbow Serpent’ or Great Female Dragon line. They are like the two primary acupuncture ‘meridians’ of the global energy system, similar to the two main yang and yin acupuncture meridians in the human body – the Governor Vessel and the Conception Vessel. Everything else in the Earth’s energy grids is fed by these two vast circulating reservoirs of spiritual life-force energies.
The path of the Annular Eclipse on 20th May will intersect the Plumed Serpent – Great Male Dragon line at two locations – Mount Fuji in Japan and Mount Shasta in California. Adak Island is the pivotal point, lying almost exactly midway between these two sacred mountains, and is the nearest land to the point of maximum eclipse.
Solar Eclipse May 2012 Horoscope
The closest aspect to the moon is a square from Neptune. We know Neptune’s waters can be holy uplifting water or vile septic poison depending on the intention and vibration of the individual. Neptune is on Archangel star Fomalhaut, which can also go either way, sinner or saint. With Neptune Fomalhaut is “Sharp, shrewd, self-seeking, analytical, detective ability, many secret enemies, connected with secret affairs or government work.” This Neptune is squaring the eclipse Nodes and it is also most fitting that this solar eclipse is conjunct Egeria, Roman goddess of the healing spring, sacred wisdom and childbirth.
There is certainly a watery theme then. This eclipse contains the potential of deep cleansing hydrotherapy of the soul…
(Is she talking about a colonic???)[/I]
…or for those stubborn demonic stains comes complete with added hydroblast water jet!
(She IS!!! She IS talking about a colonic!)
I say this because of the amount of potent stars and a super-conjunction that are adding juice to this eclipse. We have a tight Venus trine Saturn which I think is beautifully healing and powerful for lovers to affirm their commitment to one another no matter how treacherous the icky Neptunian sea gets.
Now, about the 13th Crystal Skull…
Now, this webpage REALLY needs to be seen to be believed!

click on blank space (below) to see video
<img="" />
Her Book IV In The Eye Of The Goddess will be released at the WESAK Conference May 2000!
and NOW, the WESAK Conference…
Mount Shasta's Wesak festival is a "spiritual family reunion" begun, in what some consider one of the holiest places on this earth, by the late Dr. Joshua Stone and now under the direction of Dawn Fazende.
Wesak is named for the legendary convergence of Buddha, Christ and other Masters in the hallowed Wesak Valley in the Himalayas during the Buddha full moon occurring in May each year. The convergence is celebrated variously in cultures throughout the world, including annual pilgrimages to the original site. The Mount Shasta Wesak Festival, however, is an event whose scope extends far beyond the Buddhist holiday with whom many associate the term Wesak.
As one of the seven sacred mountains in the world, Mount Shasta is uniquely suited for this annual North American Pilgrimage. The very atmosphere here is charged with powerful energetic currents and a profoundly restorative silence. The mountain is considered alternately as the Heart Chakra or the Head Chakra of the planet. The I AM Activity, a religion based on instructions dictated by St. Germain in the 1930s on Mt. Shasta, states that this is the place where Christ energy enters the planetary grid.
Wait! Is THIS the guy who keeps sending me unsolicited email regarding investments opportunities in Nigeria?
And FINALLY, some wacky videos from some of the other participants:
This one drags in Giant Earthquakes and Nostradamus:
(again, click on the blank white space if you are unable to see the video arrow icon)
Interesting Flash video presentation, not so interesting New Age Yodeling, Galactic Alignment, crop circles in Wiltshire, England (near Stonehenge, perhaps?), gratuitous Ophiuchus, the little-known 13th sign of the Zodiac, Jacob's Ladder leading to The Pleiades…
Comets, illuminati, cosmic radiation (and not the good/ kind…), and who knows WHAT bugger all…
Funny how many of these websites are owned by individuals in the travel & hospitality industry. For those of you who are interested in some of the vacation opportunities (and there were several), here are a couple of brochures you can download (in .pdf):
some sample text from this one:
From Ra-Ke-Da: [does this rhyme with la-de-da?]
"If you read a list of intentions in
here out loud with your powerful
voice, Omaran, it amplifies them
approximately 139 times more than
what you can do on your own!"
Send us your written intentions by
email (a maximum of five to get the
best results) plus a picture of yourself, and Omaran will chant them
repeatedly inside the pyramid, then
leave them in there for three days.
This amplifies the intentions and
impresses them on you through your
picture, so you more fully resonate
with them, speeding up the manifestation process. $. 35
OK, I'm done. And going to bed…