♪ It’s a Wunderfull Da-ay in the Neighborhood! ♪

It’s a warm sunny day in Portland (some are complaining that it’s TOO hot) in the low to mid-80s (buncha whiners..)

I’m sitting here, having a nice cup of coffee (or seven…) at

Here’s a panorama of the view from my seat: …

(click on the big white spaces to view videos)


Please excuse the video quality: I took this video with The Cheapest Phone in the Store™ (a Huawei from MetroPCS).

And now a video from Hawthorne Blvd. (a street with an “ambiance” somehat like Solano Ave. in Berkeley or College Avenue in the Rockridge District of Oakland). Again, please excuse the poor audio. I just wanted to give a sense of said “ambiance” on Hawthore:


I took a BUNCH ‘o pictures with my Huawei POS86™ camera, and I’ll be posting these soon. Stay tuned!!!

3 Replies to “♪ It’s a Wunderfull Da-ay in the Neighborhood! ♪”

  1. Karen, were you able to get the videos? (You need to click on the empty white spaces to see them. I really hate the “New, Improved” Opera!

  2. Sadly, no. Not even with Firefuck. It said I needed to install plugins, but then said no plugins were found. :rolleyes:

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