3 Replies to “New photos of St. Helens, OR taken on Easter Sunday”

  1. Man, that was a lovely day, huh?Sorry again about the whole being anti-social thing for Easter, Robert. ‘Twas nothing personal at all. Job Corps is fucking with stuff and are threatening to remove weekend passes for students who aren’t of “Gold” or “Platinum” level. Jameson hasn’t even been there long enough yet to gain that status, so that means that he’d be stripped of weekend passes for quite a while. 😥 Knowing that it could be several months before I see him again? Uh, yeah. You’ve seen us together…we’re best friends. I’m sick and fucking tired of these punk assholes there ruining shit for everyone!Someone decided to steal the mice and stuff from the computer room. So, instead of getting to correspond with Jameson a few times per day, now I hear from him once per day – if I’m lucky. They had no choice but to limit access. Other people keep stealing the freakin’ cables from the back of the TV in the common area, so now nobody can watch TV out there. NINE times…they’ve stolen the cords nine times since January 1st. Job Corps said, “Fuck this! We’re not replacing ’em any more.” Can’t blame them.I’m just Soooooooooooooo sick of these delinquent punks ruining things for people who are truly serious – like Jameson. 😡 I’d love to go down there and unleash my wrath. ANYWAY, point is – since I don’t know when I’ll see him again ( 😥 ), it was important that we spend some quality family time. I hope you understood and didn’t take it personally. 😉

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