Weekend Weather

Shout out to all my friends in the Bay Area!

While you’all were enjoying the Spring weather in the Bay Area this past weekend…


It was the beginning of the Boating Season here on the Columbia River


Of course, now it’s back to raining again…

St. Helens, OR

I just moved into a place in St. Helens, OR, overlooking a marina on the Columbia River, northwest of Portland. One interesting thing about St. Helens is that it is the location where they filmed much of the Teen Vampire Romanceā„¢ trilogy, Twilight.


Apparently it makes an ideal location for a film set because the downtown is almost entirely devoid of anything resembling commerce. It is also apparent that some viewed this temporary state of affairs as the basis for an economic renaissance. This (not my photo, but this was open when I arrived in this area)

became this:


And I don’t know if this place

existed before Hollywood came knocking, but this is definitely NOT Beverly Hills, but rather a particularly seedy district along Hollywood Boulevard:


At least this place appeared in one of the movies (or so I have read), but was decked out as a dress shop or something.


Other than the foibles of a handful of delusional individuals, though, this is a quaint little town, and I look forward to spending a few quiet months here, at least until Mount St. Helens blows its top, and we are all barbequed in an enormous pyroclastic cloud.

More photos, of places which may or may not be identified in the Twilight saga, may be found HERE.

btw… there aren’t really any vampires in St. Helens. Just some people with REALLY bad teeth…