Opera “Friends”: REAL or IMAGINARY?

Sure you eagerly await the blog postings of your favorite Opera Friend, anticipating the pithy and/or snarky utterances that are sure to issue from their lips…

But ARE THEY REAL? Are they REALLY just everyday people like you and… well, I was going to say me… but, huh huh huh (<– insert amused little laugh HERE)… people that you SEE every day? How do you know your favorite Opera Belle is not just some unshaven, sweaty twenty-something queeb in a Polo Shirt, with half a dozen unpaid interns running around trying to ride the crest of the latest MEME WAVE you just haven’t heard of yet???

Have you ever asked yourself WHY you never see two of your FAVORITE BLOGGERS hanging out together, laughing and relaxing over a shared pizza and a pitcher of CHEAP BEER?

How do we know that THIS picture:


is really of the Bloggers you’ve come to “know” as “Nerak”™ (aka “Karen”) and “Bad Blogger”™ (aka “B.Blogger”, “Robert”, or “that GUY…”), and not actors HIRED by the guy-in-the-sweaty-Polo to play “Nerak” (aka…) and “Bad, etc…”? Or, how do we know it’s not just Photoshopped™? …


We called in our experts from the popular Discovery Network™ program, Mythbusters™,


to shed some LIGHT on this subject…

ADAM (taking the photo): Looks alright to ME…

JAMIE (glancing over): Well it’s not a very high quality photograph to BEGIN with…

ADAM: and I don’t see anything that would indicate that it was anything OTHER than a picture taken with a cheap camera phone…

JAMIE: And I can’t think of ANY conceivable reason why ANYbody would waste more than a minute or two– Wait…

We’re not getting paid for this, are we?

SWEATY-GUY-IN-A-POLO: I’ll have to have my accountant cut you a check

JAMIE: …because obviously there’s no money to be had proving– OR disproving– anything

ADAM: I guess we’d HAVE to conclude…

JAMIE: It’s just two people, standing in a kitchen, taking their own picture.

So THERE you have it: the STARS of Mythbusters™ pronounce this Myth… as OFFICIALLY


JAMIE: You ARE picking up the beers, right?

11 Replies to “Opera “Friends”: REAL or IMAGINARY?”

  1. well I am a real person, and I just submitted my first manuscript for publishing.the book is called The Thoughts of an Image Writer and will be in book stores shortly.

  2. That picture seriously doesn’t do either of us justice…but still. Hilarious post! 😆 I, for one, am thrilled to know that I’m real! :yes:

  3. @ Carol: Yeah. But everybody KNOWS that Ronald McDonald is just a story that mothers use to scare small children…@ Karen: I’m just the opposite…

  4. Originally posted by rfhurley:But everybody KNOWS that Ronald McDonald is just a story that mothers use to scare small children…That and Santa. I was freakishly scared of that jolly bastard when I was a kid! :eyes:

  5. 😆 Great post, Robert. That is to say if it’s not written in fact by Polo shirt guy or Ronald McDonald.

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