Countdown to Armageddon!

Hey kids! Due to the Leap Year, today marks the beginning of the 365 day Countdown to December 21, 2012 (12/21/12), the day ostensibly marked as the End of the World™ on both the Mayan & Hindu calendars (the end of the Kali Yuga).

Mexico counts down to the end of the world and a tourism boom
By Sarah Gordon

While many people may regard today as simply another day on the advent calendar before Christmas arrives, in Mexico it marks the beginning of a year-long party.
According to some interpretations of the ancient Maya calendar, December 21, 2012 signifies the end of the world and people in the southeastern part of Mexico – the heart of Maya territory – are planning to party hard just in case they're right. And hopefully turn a profit at the same time.

Mexico's tourism agency expects to draw 52 million visitors over the coming year just to the five states richest in Maya heritage. Mexico as a whole is expected to lure just 22 million foreigners this year.

more at Boomsberg Businessweek

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