Added a new countdown to my sidebar

This coming July 14:


How Income Inequality Destroys Societies

Posted by JacobSloan on October 26, 2011

“I think the intuition that inequality is divisive and socially corrosive has been around since before the French Revolution. What’s changed is we now can look at the evidence, we can compare societies and see what inequality does.”

British researcher Richard Wilkinson charts the data to show convincingly that in developed countries, everything from health and lifespan to levels of violence, literacy, mental illness, and substance addiction — even school bullying and basic values such as trust — is strongly tied to income equality, and not tied to “prosperity”:

5 Replies to “Added a new countdown to my sidebar”

  1. It’s the day the French stormed the Bastille, and is considered a kind of “Independence Day” by the French.Also guillotines were liberally employed…

  2. Isn’t that some Frenchy thing? I suppose I should Wiki. GOSH. You’re CONSTANTLY trying to get me to learn new stuff. The nerve!

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