Friend Requests

I only add people who are actively BLOGGING, not people who are just trying to add heads to their "Friends" list. If you send a friend request, PLEASE follow this simple guideline.

Thank you.

13 Replies to “Friend Requests”

  1. And (unfortunatelately belated) Happy Valentine’s Day to You, sweetheart!With all affection, your’s,Robert (Bad BAD Blogger #spank*)

  2. How about ppl who are just trying to add feet to their list? lol !! gosh I crack myself up. Hi 🙂 just stopping by to say… Hi!

  3. I just started so I only have a couple so far but….I am in Oregon and would like to follow your blog…so I am gonna ask to friend you…it is ok if there is not enough up yet…I can just check back to read it if I don’t make the cut…lol

  4. Hi Tamra!You may have just started, but looking at your blog/albums I get the sense that you’re pretty active. I sent you a friend request; all you have to do is click the “accept” button.Welcome to Opera Community!

  5. Thanks so much I am trying…got a new one I am working on now…I enjoying Opera and it will get better as I learn:) Thanks for giving me a chance to be your friend on Opera and I hope you have an amazing day!Tami

  6. on the one hand,you are too serious on this. u just ignore online friends who want to visit your blog with simple reasons.why not add one more friend ?on the other hand, u have ur own strict rules for making friends,so ur friends can’t be cheap.i like it.anyway,say”hi”to u.:jester: :jester:

  7. Actually, there are a LOT of people who just add heads to their “friends” list without blogging, photography, or participating in the community in general. Some have zero posts, yet hundreds of these “friends.” If you don’t post one of these disclaimers, your own friends list will be overrun with faces of people you’ll never hear from again, and when you actually want to find someone you intend to contact by looking through that list, you’ll be scrolling pages for days without finding the person you’re looking for. Everyone I know that has been on here for any length of time has one of these sticky posts on their sites. Trust me: if you’re serious about blogging, eventually you’ll have one too.:)

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