A Personal Map for the Placement of Occupational Hazards

OK. I’m just cruising in to check out my friends’ sites, and when I get to Staree‘s site I get suckered in to taking one of those silly online quizzes, this one being a Skill Assessment Quiz.

So, here’s what they suggested for me:

admins.png Education Administrators, Postsecondary
Education Administrators, Elementary and Secondary School
Web Administrators
Computer Systems Engineersl’Architects
Aquacultural Managers
Software Quality Assurance Engineers and Testers
Web Developers
Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technicians
Fashion Designers
Social Science Research Assistants

I had to find an open-source OCR application just to avoid a little typing, but I do recommend this one to people.

(I hate Staree. Her list was sooo much cooler…)


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