The USB Cigarette

We’ve seen electronic cigarettes before, but not one that charges via USB.


It’s no surprise that this handy device shows up on Thanko’s website, since they’re guys who usually satisfy our cravings for wonky USB gadgets. The USB version of the electronic cigarette provides inhaled doses of vaporized nicotine, so smokers can puff away without all the harmful effects to second hand smokers. The kit comes with 11 filter butts and an atomizer. You can pick yours up for about $33. But beware, you might still look pretty goofy standing in public sucking on a plastic cigarette. [Thanko via Newslaunches]

Can’t make this shizzle up…

5 Replies to “The USB Cigarette”

  1. you might still look pretty goofy standing in public sucking on a plastic cigaretteI see people out at bars and clubs with things like this and they indeed look very goofy. The same person might also have a bluetooth earpiece on that twinkles colors. 😆

  2. Whenever I see people with those stupid Bluetooth gadgets (besides thinking of them, perhaps unfairly, as being antisocial? naahh…), I can’t help thinking of those old Star Trek episodes involving “The Borg.” I think it may have something to do with the haircuts, the suits. Or perhaps just the blank unseeing stares straight ahead…

  3. Right on! I, too, often think of Star Trek when I see these things. Please, strip yourself of these things and stand there naked before your fellow humanoid bipeds! :up:

  4. Originally posted by rfhurley:You’re talking to the choir. I don’t use those thingsI knew that. It was a general address, like a rousing speech to the gizmo adorned. I should have made it more clear.

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