Ooohh! Check out THIS post

Now I know I must be right

I’m ready to move on from this debate about taxes, especially given the overwhelmingly negative response my post generated (Bad Blogger put this in red bold). But now comes an attack by a Nobel-prize-winning economist. See here (see indeed– Bad Blogger's quote). With respect to Prof. Krugman, I’m feeling more confident I’m correct after seeing he is with the dissenters on this.

Waait a second.. He's feeling more condident??? Then why was the post taken down? Perhaps the aforementioned overwhelmingly negative response [his] post generated?

Cowardly scumbags! Read more of Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman's thoughts at the New York Times, on these and other topics (especially those about the New Crusading Tax-Cutters running for office this year…

and, while we're on this thread:

The Whining Rich at Reuters

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