Pretty Flower picture


This is from the same batch as my previous post, taken much earlier in the day. People keep telling me to post without editing in Photoshop (in all honesty, I’m much more at home in Photoshop than navigating the little menus & knobbies on a camera), and this one looked OK in terms of color & focus, and the white-balance readings checked out OK in Bridge– so I figured I could post it, as-is. So without further doodoo ado…

(click HERE or on the, um, thumbnail below for the original image, in all it’s humungous excessive-megapixel glory):


I hope I don’t mislead anyone into thinking I’ll be doing much of this anytime soon. The lens distortion is frighteningly evident in many of my other shots, the color- & white-balance is uneven and, compared to other places I’ve lived, this place isn’t terribly scenic, nor do I have a whole lot of extra time on my hands to “develop” my photos.

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