Post of No Consequence

I haven't been on much. I'm going to school at Butt(e) College. The college itself is pretty much a joke. My "Web Programming" class involves absolutely zero programming; they pretty much spent the first two class sessions teaching people how to spell HTML. It's like spending two class sessions teaching people how to put two Lego blocks together, and calling the class "Architectural Engineering."

On the other hand, my other class is teaching me how to work from design comps and wireframes (something I never really learned how to do), and the instructor spends time teaching about dealing with clients (the reason I wasn't able to make my web design business work before). It's not hard per se, but it does require a lot of thought & considered judgement (screw spell-check– Noah Webster just doesn't know how to spell, i.e. "judgement").

I did meet the "advanced" Web Programming instructor, which even he describes as an introductory course to the subject (which is the course I should be taking, but a.) it isn't in the catalogue– natch– and b.) it's offered at the exact same time as my other useful class in a building all the way across campus. If the administration at Butt(e) College didn't have their collective heads up their derrieres, they would have the two classes back-to-back in the same classroom, but…). He did give me a licensed copy of Adobe's CS3 Master Collection for $100 (and I'm getting Windows 7 installed tomorrow, a version which mostly cleans up the crap that made Vista so hideous to use). A really good egg, he is.

Things aren't great by any stretch, but things are moving forward for the first time in a couple of years. Anyway, the reason I haven't been on is because I'm doing a lot of work on my computer, between homework and configuring my computer for work, and I don't have a lot of time to spend at wireless locations. I'll be lurking looking in periodically, but I won't be writing a whole lot.

Hope everything's going well for *ahem* all my fans. Ciao, y'all! (remember always to italicize foreign words or phrases)

7 Replies to “Post of No Consequence”

  1. I’m a fan, so I’ll make sure to take care! :yes:It’s too bad the classes you’re taking are so lame, but at least you’re getting something out of them. 🙂 Hang in there…all this BS will pay off.

  2. Hey Carol, good to hear from you! I’m trying to keep on & keep up. Unfortunately, everything that takes 5 minutes anywhere else takes four weeks here. Some of the flaming hoops I’m forced to jump through daily, you wouldn’t believe without experiencing them for yourself. I have a “friends only” post that goes into some of the details. At least living here is cheap. I’m recovering at least a few of my belongings, if perhaps at the expense of a certain amount of my sanity. Butte County has a very *ahem* obvious, if not flattering, nickname– and for very good reason. Chico is noted for two things, and two things only: Sierra Nevada Brewery, and the Nimrods who keep it flourishing on their parents’ dime, voted numerous times the #1 “party school” in America by Playboy Magazine.Sorry for the griping– it’s been an interminable and exhausting week.Take care, and keep in touch. I’ll try to be more cheerful next time I log into Opera.–Robert

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