Americans Succumb to Mass Media Propaganda and Believe that Obama is a Muslim

Poll: Growing number incorrectly call Obama Muslim
By ALAN FRAM, Associated Press

WASHINGTON – Americans increasingly are convinced — incorrectly — that President Barack Obama is a Muslim, and a growing number are thoroughly confused about his religion.

and my favorite staggering insight:

In addition, 61 percent opposed building the Muslim center near the Trade Center site and 26 percent said they favor it.

More at Media Vulture

9 Replies to “Americans Succumb to Mass Media Propaganda and Believe that Obama is a Muslim”

  1. I think this is so dumb. Even if he IS Muslim, who cares?! I don’t care and believe in religious freedom, part of what this country was *founded* on. Only ignorant people think that all Muslims are terrorists!

  2. These are all kind of non-issues to me, seemingly existing to keep heads spinning and not thinking about anything really important.The flag-burning amendment is another one of this genre. It pops up about every 4 years to fill a void when people might be considering thinking about something of substance. There is always an endless stream of mouths on the TV saying, “but the flag needs protecting.” No it doesn’t. It’s stronger than that. An amendment would weaken it as a symbol.Yeah, the religion of the president doesn’t matter to me either. I never understood the furor over JFK being Catholic, for example.I vet leaders in other ways, one of which would be how he/she acts with his/her religion, not which religion it is. I don’t care if a leader uses religion as a moral compass, as long as whatever compass they use is constructive rather than destructive.

  3. .”Originally posted by slackwrdave:These are all kind of non-issues to me, seemingly existing to keep heads spinning and not thinking about anything really important.It’s the typical product of the well-funded Corporate/Republican Noise Machine.“A revolutionary age is an age of action; ours is the age of advertisement and publicity. Nothing ever happens but there is immediate publicity everywhere.”–Søren Kierkegaard The Present Age, 1846

  4. I have absolutely nothing against Muslims or anyone else of a particular religion. I’m truly disgusted that they are proposing building a mosque two freakin’ blocks from Ground Zero, though. :irked: I mean, really. Yeah, it’s America & we have freedoms…etc., but does that mean that we should be so selfish as to only think of ourselves and what WE want, and not even take into regard the feelings of those who we might affect?! :mad:Meh..this topic really pisses me off. It’s not about religion. If it were a group of roller derby chicks who attacked on 9/11, then I’d be saying they shouldn’t build a freakin’ roller rink 2 blocks away. It’s a matter of decency.

  5. Hence, the “I support the right of the Jedi to build a temple, but does it have to be two blocks from the ruins of the Death Star?” post. I’m not really weighing in on the mosque issue (although it would demonstrat that we are no longer cowed into suspending freedom of speech, like we were under Bush), but I was commenting on the repeated right-wing noise-machine generated propaganda about Obama being a.) foreign-born, b.) Moslem, c.) Socialist (despite the fact that he’s virtually repeating everything Bush did), etc.

  6. A terrible thing happened here but it’s not sacred ground in that sense. There are strip bars and betting places right next to it, how is that any worse?“EyesoresBut the World Trade Center neighborhood is also filled with eyesores. When I walked from Park Place on the north side of the World Trade Center to Rector Street on the south side, what I encountered were a string of bars, betting parlors, and fast-food restaurants. And within this cluster of buildings, especially noticeable were two strip clubs, the New York Dolls Gentleman’s Club and the Pussycat Lounge, plus Thunder Lingerie and More, a sex shop with a peep show”

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