
I haven't been on much for a few months, and thought I would explain.

I received a severe injury in late December (right before Christmas), and was hospitalized for over a month and a half; and I was in and out of the hospital for a month & a half after that. The first three weeks I wasn't even able to get out of bed without assistance. Fortunately, I'm able to walk now without assistance, albeit for relatively short distances. During that time I lost my place to live; my things were put into storage. And, because I was out of commission for longer than expected, I was late showing up to pay the storage bill, and all my worldly belongings were sold off at auction, including my computers.

Therefore, I am blogging from a library computer.

I miss everyone, and hope to hear from you all soon.

B. Blogger (aka Robert)

19 Replies to “Friends…”

  1. Robert, that is a terror story ! I hope you have now a speedy recovery and everything will turn out ok. The best of luck, my friend!

  2. :worried: :worried: … Robert,You know,that you have friends here … Take care and write more if you only can, my friend!

  3. Robert, I’m sorry to hear this.I hope you have a place to stay now and can take time to recover.Take care.

  4. I feel very grateful to have known what was going on more or less when it was going on. As I’ve told you countless times, you’re always on my mind. I hope that each day gets better and better. :up:Believe it or not, we have the losing of our worldly possessions to a storage auction in common. I had to start completely over, but I did it and am now okay. 🙂 You’ll one day look back on this and feel more at peace with things than you do now. Until then, just take things one day at a time…or less, even. Sometimes I have to take life an hour at a time. Whatever it takes to get by with the minimal pain – physical and/or mental.Hang in there, buddy. If you ever need a friend, I’m here for ya’. Not having a computer really sucks, so we’ll all look forward to hearing from you when we can. 🙂 :heart: Email me any time, too!

  5. Ohhhh this is so sad news… I hope for your fast recover. And my best wishes for you. Do you need any help from me, send me a message. 🙂

  6. Thanks everyone for writing. I just wanted to let everyone know why I’ve been absent of late. The good news is that I ran for the first time in exactly four months (chasing a bus), so I must be doing better.So how are all of you doing? It’s really great to hear from you.Take care,Robert (aka B. Blogger)

  7. Sad to hear that, Robert!! :awww: I hope you can have a fast recovery, that’s the most important thing! Wish you the best! We’ll miss you too!! Take care! :heart:

  8. Thanks for your kind words. I am getting (physically) better, albeit ever so slowly. Hope things are going well for you.Take care,RobertOriginally posted by slackwrdave:Greetings and support from your friends down south.

  9. That’s great news! About you running for a bus, I mean. Just don’t push yourself to hard too quickly. 😉 Keep on doing better! :happy:

  10. There are days when I wish someone would come and take all my stuff and get rid of it. But I’m pretty sure I’d find the actual experience, should it be offered, traumatic anyhow.Your focus on the good news is a sign of a good attitude, I think. Glad you’re getting better! Hang in there!

  11. However you want to word it we are your friends. And anyone of some age at all has been without or nearly without anything at some point. Is there anything we as your friends needs to do? We appreciate your candor and respect your privacy but seriously.What do you need that is within our power to DO besides just wishing you well?

  12. Just to drop in periodically. I’m getting some help with things (finally). Things are going slow, but I hope to recover at least materially in the near future (measured in months). I need to acquire a new (used) laptop, as well as a new digital camera (though I won’t be able to afford anything like my nice Nikon D40), and eventually I will need to get a new mobile phone (Metro PCS, basic plan– natch). Although the neuropathy in my foot doesn’t seem to be going away, I’m walking at least a mile a day just to keep my legs & body strong.I appreciate the concern. Thank you.Originally posted by Wezall:Is there anything we as your friends needs to do?

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