Media Vulture

In the next few months, I'm not going to have very much time online, so I'm going to try to put more time into what I consider my main area of expertise (OK, study?): media and information theory (with an emphasis on disinformation) on my noirish alter-ago Max LaCosse's blog, Media Vulture (

It's hosted on, but I aquired the domain, and plan to migrate it over to my own host when I get the chance.

13 Replies to “Media Vulture”

  1. Look at the bottom of each article. There’s a little “cartoon dialog balloon” with the words “leave a comment” next to it.

  2. 😆 I am SO retarded today! I didn’t even notice that…and I was looking for something like that. :rolleyes:

  3. Robert, would you prefer that I comment here when you post linkage, or over on Media Vulture? Or does it not even matter? :p

  4. would you prefer that I comment here when you post linkage, or over on Media Vulture? Or does it not even matter?If the main article is on Media Vulture, leave the comment over there. It actually doesn’t matter, though. I’m happy to see that you’re checking it out.

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