Hope she was bright enough to keep the tits…

In this July 1, 2003 file photo, Callie Rogers from Cockermouth [sic] in Cumbria is seen after she won £1.9 million in the U.K.’s National Lottery. Callie Rogers, now 22, told the News of the World that she has just £20,000 left of the jackpot she won six years ago. Most of the £250,000 she had wasted on cocaine – ‘a nasty evil drug’ – had been for an ex who was addicted to it, she said.

That’s about $31,000 more than I have in my account

Callie Rogers was just 16 when she won a whopping $3 million in the lottery. Six years later, she reports that she blew untold sums on drugs, partying, exotic cars, and breast implants. A staggering $730,000 went to designer clothes alone, Ms. Rogers explains in an article from AOL. Says Rogers: “I honestly wish I’d never won the lottery money — and knowing what I know now I should have just given it all back to them.” She’s currently left with around $32,000.


6 Replies to “Hope she was bright enough to keep the tits…”

  1. she still has 32 grand, and she’s still whining!I would suggest that:1.) she discontinues putting $$$ up her nose, perhaps attending some of those little meetings where they discuss matters such as this2.) if she hasn’t wrecked them all (due to factor #1, mentioned above), sell the fancy cars and purchase a modestly priced reliable vehicle with good gas milage3.) sell her designer clothing to one of those phony-balony “vintage (re. ‘used’) clothing stores4.) cut back on her groovy lifestyle, and find a place to live that she can afford…5.) working a part-time job, while she…6.) pursues a 2 year degree in college.THAT should last her for a couple of years, and she would then be in pretty darn good shape!(not that the little twit necessarily deserves it)

  2. I lived in Arizona during the early 90’s where a couple living in a mobile home won 20+ million dollars in the state lottery which had record jackpots at that time. In a radio interview they were asked what were their plans. They said they were going to buy a new mobile home. I think the reality of instant wealth had not hit them yet.As far as I know they did not snort up their winnings.

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