God Hates Lizards!

Ladyboy lizards use transvestite trickery

MELBOURNE (AFP) – Young male lizards in South Africa imitate females to fool aggressive older males into leaving them alone, in an example of transvestism in the natural world, researchers have found.

The lizards not only avoid fights but gain access to females under the nose of their more macho rivals, the South African and Australian researchers discovered.

They found that young male Augrabies flat lizards delayed displaying the extravagant coloration of sexually-mature males until they were able to defend themselves adequately.


“Experienced males will chase and bite their young rivals,” said associate professor Martin Whiting of Johannesburg’s University of the Witwatersrand.

“By delaying the onset of colour to a more convenient period, these males, termed she-males, are making the best of a bad situation.”

Australian National University associate professor Scott Keogh said opting to become transvestites for a period offered young males a dual advantage.

“They can avoid potentially dangerous bouts with dominant males and still have access to normally inaccessible females,” he said.

But, as with large hands and an Adam’s apple in the human world, there is a flaw in the lizards’ transvestite transformation.

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8 Replies to “God Hates Lizards!”

  1. I came across the lizard story, and thought it would be amusing to post a picture under it by those looneys from Westboro Baptist (not that any real Baptist church organization will actually claim any association with these people).What I came across when I searched Google for a picture was frightening! I ended up reading about what he did to members of his own family, and it really upset me. It was actually a couple of days before I could calm myself down sufficiently to view the story objectively, and edit it down to a story I could be OK about posting.

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