Inadvertant Reality Hack

Every once in awhile, I like to check my “analytics” to see how people are finding their way to my site. Every so often, the “hook” that leads people here is totally unexpected. For example, google the words “Iraq prison atrocities”, you get


if you’re wondering how the words “Iraq prison atrocities” nets you a photo of “Tyra Banks”, see…

posting, Sept. 5, 2008


Hello? Tyra Banks’ lawyers, you say?

23 Replies to “Inadvertant Reality Hack”

  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! OMFG!!! ๐Ÿ˜† That is so freakin’ funny to me! I think the reason Tyra showed up is simple. One word: “atrocities” :lol:She’s such a flippin’ moron. I cannot stand her and her unbelievable level of stupidity. :rolleyes:

  2. Look again at my smiley };-)>This smiley is SO evil, there is no equivalent expression in Graphics Interchange FormatBwa ha ha ha ha!!!

  3. You said:Originally posted by rfhurley:oh. just you wait.So, I replied with, “Now what” because I had waited & wanted to know what was next. :p In other words, I was just being my usual smart-assed self. :jester:

  4. Originally posted by Nerak:BTW, Chas…nevermind my PM. I already got the answer from Dustin. I was being retarded again.Ok, not my specialty but I could have maybe looked around

  5. No biggie. I just assumed you’d know since you’d done it on your own blog. :pI changed my fonts around & whatnot, but ended up hating it…so I’m sticking with what I had originally. ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. I am using the Opera 10 alpha blog design at the momentThe info panel in Opera can tell you a lot about a web page

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