What for?

Stop? Ain’t no road; ain’t no train a-comin’…

and also, here’s a cropped version of a photo on 365. I think it’s much better, but some people are freaks about EXIF data:


8 Replies to “What for?”

  1. If you do anything more than a quick edit, you have to convert it to .psd format (or it degrades the image file), and that removes the EXIF data. Otherwise, I try to keep it in .jpg whenever possible (for group photos).

  2. I don’t understand what you want to change in your photos, yet! If you use PS to edit your pics (to turn them in BW, to have a warmer light ecc.) the EXIF data are always there!! If you need to crop them I know PS don’t preserve the data so you should use programs that can do it after edited what you want in PS. :):)Anyway, I think it’s time to delete the “Bad” from “Bad Photographer”!! 😉

  3. I PS almost all my photos, and I don’t convert anything to .psd or lose any data. Most of my shots have been cropped. Besides, let them gripe. 😀 :p 😀 My first 365 shots were film in Jan 08, and there was no data. :headbang: Joe

  4. Every time I start thinking of changing my name to “Fair to middlin’ Photographer”, I do something outrageously stupid or amateurish, which reminds me of why I go by the handle I use. Naturally, I don’t show the results of said stupid/amateur moves. But trust me, if you saw some of the shots I’ve blown…*whew*

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