Check out my new photo in 365!

I’m kind of partial to this one. Funny thing, though: I was packing my camera away after taking numerous photos, and was thinking of where I wanted to take photos next, when this Magnolia Tree snuck up on me & bit me in the rear! (I almost bumped my head on this very branch when I stood up)


(don’t forget to zoom)

21 Replies to “Check out my new photo in 365!”

  1. 😮 It’s so lovely, Robert! I really, really like this one…and I rated it. :)You’re so lucky to be blooming down there already! Things are still pretty dead and dreary up here. I cannot wait for Spring!!! :yes:

  2. You’re in Portland, right? The weather there is similar to the weather in San Francisco & the south penninsula coast. Also, I remember several Magnolia trees growing around Humboldt Bay, which is definitely Pacific Northwest weather.(sounds like a trip to the nursery is in the cards for you)

  3. I’m actually in Vancouver, WA now. We moved over the river & through the woods a few months ago. It’s cheaper to live on this side of it…err…less expensive. :left:Anyway, yes! I will be gallivanting my way to the nursery ASAP! :yes:

  4. Actually, it’s pretty cool over here. A little bit of everything. :idea:I know! How’s about you come up here to visit your relatives and little ol’ me?! 😀 Then you can see for your bad self!

  5. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been up there, but it was that way back then. My cousins and my aunt & uncle moved over there from Portland.So is it still the vast suburban wasteland that I recall from my lasy visit, or are there some cultural amenities on that side of The River?

  6. Thanks IsabelGood to hear from you!(btw… at some point, I’m going to update my profile in GoodReads. I used to be such a good reader. I’m almost embarrassed to let this slide)

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