Some of my worst jokes turn out to be Reality

Back when Jeffrey Dahmer was convicted and sentenced to jail, several "celebrity" convicts were writing books, and there was a big national debate as to whether criminals should profit from their misdeeds (well, besides the usual suspects. For example, Haliburton, et al). I had a joke about Jeffrey Dahmer publishing a cook book. Well

Lots of stories at S.F. antiquarian book fair

Peter Hartlaub, Chronicle Staff Writer
Sunday, February 15, 2009

The worn hardback copy of "A History of Gastronomy" that Ian Kahn is holding cost $10 when it came out in 1975, and looks to be worth less than half that now.

Today, the asking price at a book collectors' show is $15,000.

"Look closely," Kahn said Saturday as he opened the food-themed library book from Revere Senior High School in Ohio, and pointed to the cursive signature of Jeffrey Dahmer. The most notorious cannibal serial killer of the 20th century borrowed the book on Oct. 14, 1978, a few months after his first killing.

3 Replies to “Some of my worst jokes turn out to be Reality”

  1. BTW – Have I thanked you in the past for linking my site on your sidebar? 😮 If not, thank you…very much. 🙂

  2. Oh, holy crap. :rolleyes: Gimme a flippin’ break. People won’t pay top dollar for a top-notch website, but they’ll fork it over for something lame like this?! :irked:

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