Cheap programming jokes

I’m working diligently on learning various aspects of programming, and I’m neglecting my bloggerly duties, so (in case either of my reader is interested) I’ll leave you with a couple of cheap programming jokes.

There are 10 kinds of people:
those who understand binary,
and those who don’t.

Why it’s a good thing Shakespeare wasn’t a programmer:

2b || !2b
x = ?

I’m a bad, bad blogger…

4 Replies to “Cheap programming jokes”

  1. Thank you for dropping in. btw… 2B || !2B is PHP for “to be or (the || operand) not to be”, binary (base 2) math, numbers run 00, 01, 10, 11, 100, etc. (0, 1, 2, 3, 4…– numbering starts with 0 instead of 1)like I said, they’re just cheap programming jokes to cover for my recent lazy blogging practices

  2. I see, so it’s at that point that Romeo sticks his tongue out at Juliet :eyes: ?in my case: “There are 10 kinds of people:…”I’m a don’t – especially since I just had to have my husband explain the explanation. “See, Jill, in binary..” Then he said, “You’re a don’t” then he laughed… he’s still laughing. 😆

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