I’m working diligently on learning various aspects of programming, and I’m neglecting my bloggerly duties, so (in case either of my reader is interested) I’ll leave you with a couple of cheap programming jokes.
There are 10 kinds of people:
those who understand binary,
and those who don’t.
Why it’s a good thing Shakespeare wasn’t a programmer:
2b || !2b
x = ?
I’m a bad, bad blogger…
I don’t understand the joke, but some nice photos you have 🙂
Thank you for dropping in. btw… 2B || !2B is PHP for “to be or (the || operand) not to be”, etc.in binary (base 2) math, numbers run 00, 01, 10, 11, 100, etc. (0, 1, 2, 3, 4…– numbering starts with 0 instead of 1)like I said, they’re just cheap programming jokes to cover for my recent lazy blogging practices
I see, so it’s at that point that Romeo sticks his tongue out at Juliet :eyes: ?in my case: “There are 10 kinds of people:…”I’m a don’t – especially since I just had to have my husband explain the explanation. “See, Jill, in binary..” Then he said, “You’re a don’t” then he laughed… he’s still laughing. 😆
so it’s at that point that Romeo sticks his tongue out at Julietum… exactly…