Inadvertant Reality Hack

Every once in awhile, I like to check my “analytics” to see how people are finding their way to my site. Every so often, the “hook” that leads people here is totally unexpected. For example, google the words “Iraq prison atrocities”, you get


if you’re wondering how the words “Iraq prison atrocities” nets you a photo of “Tyra Banks”, see…

posting, Sept. 5, 2008


Hello? Tyra Banks’ lawyers, you say?

5ive complete Wastes of Time

or Web 2.0 is the Swiss Army Knife of Self-Referential Circle Jerks

1.) Anger Is the Swiss Army Knife of Emotions T-shirt

Comment thread digresses into surreal heights of weirdness (WARNING: Involves “Bling” & “Sparkly Thingies”)

2.) Blingee

Source of aforementioned “bling” and “sparkly thingies”

3.) Boing Boing: Glitter Is the Swiss Army Knife of Emotions

or “Web 2.0 is a complete Self-Referential Circle Jerk” …

4.) 5ives – Lists of Five Things

Five “Web 2.0″ ways to break up with your boyfriend
March 18th, 2008

1. add unflattering Flickr tag, “Fat asshole with a unibrow”
2. change Facebook status to “He’s literally dead to me”
3. web widget counts up days since your last climax (currently: “193″)
4. share Zoho spreadsheet to split up MySpace friends
5. decline to participate in Series B round of affection

5.) Neil Patrick Harris, uh… Fan Page


Remember: All your Base ARE Belong to US!

Has net culture become so baseless that we can get so damned excited about an obscure and outdated phrase from a captain and the mysterious Cats? To answer, I’ll refer you to a famous Maxim, circa A.D. 2101…”You have no chance to survive make your time”.


What for?

Stop? Ain’t no road; ain’t no train a-comin’…

and also, here’s a cropped version of a photo on 365. I think it’s much better, but some people are freaks about EXIF data:


Attack of the Spoiled Rich People, Part… Uh, I lost count…

Take it away, Maureen:

It’s a good argument for nationalization, or better yet, internationalization. Outsource the jobs of these perfidious, oblivious bank executives to Bangalore; Bollywood bashes have to cost less than Hollywood ones.

The entertainment Web site TMZ broke the story Tuesday that Northern Trust of Chicago, which got $1.5 billion in bailout money and then laid off 450 workers, flew hundreds of clients and employees to Los Angeles last week and treated them to four days of posh hotel rooms, salmon and filet mignon dinners, music concerts, a PGA golf tournament at the Riviera Country Club with Mercedes shuttle rides and Tiffany swag bags.

and more…

Northern Untrustworthy even offered junketeers the chance to attend a seminar on the credit crunch where they could no doubt learn that the U.S. government is just the latest way to finance your deals and keep your office swathed in $87,000 area rugs.


“A rep from the PGA told us Northern Trust wrote one big, fat check in order to sponsor the event,” TMZ reported.

Continue reading “Attack of the Spoiled Rich People, Part… Uh, I lost count…”