Family Thanksgiving in the Sierra Foothills

After my weekend in Port Costa, I went through nearly a week of abject depression, which was interrupted by a trip to spend Thanksgiving with the family up in the Sierra Foothills. My brother picked up my nephew in Hayward, and then came up to Cotati to pick me up. Then we drove up to my Mother’s place in Cameron Park, before going to dinner at the historic Bennett House in Placerville.


Nothing really eventful happened, except that I saw my Mother’s apartment for the first time since she moved to Cameron Park (we met a couple of times nearby for her 85th and 90th birthdays, but I also saw her a few times when she came down to the Bay Area or Sonoma County).

I did receive a call from my (now) current roommate in Graton, letting me know I could move in on the first of December– so that was good news.

We had breakfast together at a strip mall diner in Cameron Park (which wasn’t bad), then we headed back toward home in the greater SF Bay Area.

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