Moving to Graton, North of Sebastopol just off the Gravenstein Highway

The day after returning from my adventure in Port Costa, I went to check on a potential living place in a rural area just North of Graton, CA. Which is itself just North of Sebastopol (off the Highway 101 corridor, thank God). Needless to say, I get the place, and moved in over the weekend. I’ve fallen way behind in my blogging, due to about a week of depression, then the Thanksgiving Holiday, then the actual process of moving to Graton (sans assistance).

This is a view up the driveway from the road:



After checking out the place, interviewing, and taking a few pictures (my current wallpaper was taken of the ground next to the driveway above my house), my (now) roommate drove me back into Graton to get a bite to eat, take a look around, and catch the bus back to Cotati (the whole trip was 3 1/2 hours each way on Sonoma Transit).

I didn’t find out that I was accepted there until I went up to Cameron Park to visit my Mother for Thanksgiving, so I’ll do the follow up to this story after writing about my Thanksgiving trip.

8 Replies to “Moving to Graton, North of Sebastopol just off the Gravenstein Highway”

  1. :eyes: I lived on the Gravenstein Highway when I was a kid. You probably go past my old house all the time. Freaky! :right:BTW – I didn’t even realize that you’ve been blogging again ’til now. My alerts for your blog got dropped. :irked: How rude!

  2. If space-time were different (well… time, in this case…), we’d be neighbors!Actually, I’ve been doing a lot more on my photo albums than I’ve been doing on my blog.

  3. That would rule! Too bad space-time isn’t different. :down: Pisser!I looked through your albums a little earlier…very nice, indeed. 😀 I’ll certainly keep checking back.

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