Last Friday in Port Costa

(sorry, but I’ve been waay late in my posts for a variety of reasons)

Last week, the Love of My Life called me, asking if I could help her paste up her (mostly) annual calendar, featuring her photographs in and around Port Costa, CA.

She came out to meet me in Cotati, unfortunately when she got here, she didn’t have her photo files along with her, and we decide to go out to Port Costa so she could retrieve her photos, and take some more photos around town while there was still daylight.

We drove the scenic route to the Carquinez Bridge. This is a picture from the Highway 37 bridge over the Napa River (and those two peaks in the background on the left are Mt. Diablo):


She had to stop at her bank in the town of Crockett on the way, so it was getting pretty late in the day when we got to Port Costa.

We arrived in Port Costa, and used the remaining light to take pictures of the town. And when we arrived at the downtown, a few friends informed her of some “band from Ireland” whose name they could not seem to remember (their name is Seneca, and I will be posting about them next), but who are supposed to have a couple of songs in the Top 25 in the UK, were playing that night at The Warehouse.

The downtown:


We headed back to her house, where we went through her photo files (she apparently had lost several when her old computer crashed), and when she wasn’t able to find the material she was hoping to find. We sat at her kitchen table, mostly in silence, as the light faded away outside, and tried to decide what we were going to do: get a bite to eat, and whether she wanted to drive me back to Cotati that night (which is a fairly long drive), or whether I would just crash on the couch.

We decided to get something to eat in town at the Bull Valley Inn (below), a bar and restaurant she used to manage a couple of years back.


She ran into a few of her friends there, and talked with them as we ate dinner. Then we headed over across the street to The Warehouse to see Seneca, a band from Limerick, Ireland.

3 Replies to “Last Friday in Port Costa”

  1. Apparently, the PA had sat around in somebody’s garage, and the contacts in one of the speakers shorted out, so they were working with one channel and one speaker.

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