North Bay Ruby User’s Group (MBRUG) meetup at O’Reilly Publishers Headquarters in Sebastopol, CA

As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve gotten pretty busy the last few days (alternating with bouts of huge depression).

Thursday night, I attended a meetup of the North Bay Ruby Users Group, which is a group of people working with, developing, experimenting– or just plain learning– Ruby on Rails, which is an up-and-coming web application development framework, using Ruby as the programming language, and Rails as the framework (Rails can apparently also be used with other programming “languages” like AJAX). I was having trouble getting my Rails Server to run on my laptop, and I received hands-on assistance in working out the bugs. Now I have to learn how to use the framework to develop web applications.

I’m just getting started in this endeavor. …

Here’s a picture of the people attending the meetup (I’m absent from the phot because I’m the one taking the picture):


For more photos, click here; and…

For those living in the North San Francisco Bay region, here’s the website where meetups are announced. Sign up today! The more attendees, the more opportunity to host these gatherings where we can further our knowledge of web development, and socialize with some very helpful and nice people.

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