Starbucks are frauds too

So, anyway… I get up around 8:30 every morning, get dressed and slog down to the local coffee shop / "bookstore" (really a woefully understocked "fambly" bookstore–more crap than books), and go online (they do have internet), but their internet was down, and the kids behind the counter were apparently too stupid to reset the modem (they're nice, though, so I didn't sweat them). I drank my grossly overpriced cup of coffee and then headed for the dreaded Starbucks, located right across the parking lot.

Starbucks announced deveral months ago that they were going to free wireless (as opposed to the horribly overpriced T-Mobile service they had before. Anyway, they insisted it was free– you just had to purchase a $25 Starbucks card, and you could use the AT&T wireless for "free" for up to TWO HOURS a DAY!!!

What a bunch of greedy motherf@#*%g! scumbags!

Yeah, like we really needed MORE reasons to hate Starbucks…

I've hated them since they started displacing long-standing family-owned neighborhood coffee shops, some dating back to the 1950s. One time I waited in line behind a bunch of scrofulous queebs ordering their "double-decaf" non-fat soymilk, caramel crappiacinos just to order a small caffee (what they refer to as a "tall"). I was told– and I quote:

"We don't have coffee today." Apparently their coffee-maker was broken, and these assholes didn't even have a back-up.

Of course, I'm probably being too harsh & unfair with them.

I mean– they're not really a coffee shop

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