I’ve been a really bad blogger lately

Just a message to those who may wonder (or not) where I've been. I've been dealing with a whole lot of difficult bullshit lately, and I've had me laptop in storage for about a month. I'm still alive (barely) and I'm trying to clear up some damage that's happened. I'm not going to get into details. I don't like to talk about stuff like that.

Hello especially to Karen (Nerak), Carol (Dacotah), Leena, mlynnjohnson, Bryan (Weezal), Isabel (wickedlizard), Lagged to Death, I Art Man, and (apologies to anyone I missed) anyone who's checked in during my absense.

I won't be blogging often (digging out of a hole is not exactly entertainment), but I may be posting photos, so stay tuned.



12 Replies to “I’ve been a really bad blogger lately”

  1. It’s wonderful to get an update from you, Robert! :oLike I’ve told you before, if you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask. Good luck with everything. Don’t worry about us here on My.Opera…we’ll be here whenever you get around to us. ‘Til then, we’ll hold down the fort! :yes::cheers:

  2. Hey,Hope everything’s going ok. Kinda worried by the tone of the blog, but hope things are improving!Take care,Christie

  3. Good luck with your digging.They say serendipity is digging for worms and failing — by striking gold instead.

  4. :worried: I am putting many gentle kisses on your forehead! :rolleyes: As the crow flies, I estimated if I begin to flap my skinny Polish arms now I can make it to California in 2 or 3 months (roughly) and I looked online~ I will purchase a popular self-help book “Difficult Bullshit For Dummies” to bring along. They work! There is another~ “How To Be Leena For Dummies” :doh: (I use this one :up: )While I am there we can be rebellious animals! :headbang: What say you? :confused:

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