Hey, Carol!

You asked for it…

Originally posted by dacotah:

Hope you take a photo of your new red bike.

Here it is


(I took this on break outside of my Digital Photography class at Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC) with my new Nikon D40 dSLR camera)

10 Replies to “Hey, Carol!”

  1. Sorry…I’m not Carol, but Santa Rosa?!! :yikes: That’s where my Grandparents lived! Sweet bike, BTW! :yes:

  2. It could be worse–for some reason, there are a lot of people in Santa Rosa who own these enormous frikkin’ Ford Excursions ‘n shit. At least an Xterra is only six cylinders instead of twelve…

  3. I get this warm feeling inside, every time I ride my beautiful new bicycle past a gas station where I can see the SUVs lined up to piss away their hard-earned dollars…* sigh *but I’m such a romantic…

  4. ain’t no ride out there that beats my 1984 olds, but her eight cylinders keeps her home most days. most days that is until i have a guest that needs a good ride through the scenery. then i break out the checkbook and gas ‘er up. they never made and suv that runs as well, unless you own a cadi! imo.i love your bike! mine is in the shed, too many flat tires and too many hazards of being ran over by another motorist for me to ride the bike to work unless walking wasn’t an option!

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