Mom Turns 90!


Over the weekend, I went to visit my Mom in El Dorado Hills (located in the Sierra foothills between Sacramento, CA and South Lake Tahoe) for her 90th Birthday!!! That means she was born in 1918. I understand things have changed somewhat since then… (it also gave me my first chance to try out my new Nikon D40 dSLR camera) …

Here’s Mom, sharing a laugh with her friends:


Here’s a picture of my brother Jim– um… being Jim

(He’s the guy featured on the violin in an earlier post)


And here’s a picture of my niece Susie, who just completed her junior year at the prestigious (albeit not as well-known as it’s sibling in Berkeley) UC Davis, and my sister Sharon.


There’s more to come (I took quite a few photos), but I haven’t even had a chance to sit down since I got back from “the Hills”… (work and school)

14 Replies to “Mom Turns 90!”

  1. :hat: :hat: :hat: Happy Birthday to your Mom. She looks Great. Nice photos Robert. :up: Looking forward to the others you will upload. πŸ™‚

  2. i’m also looking forward to more photos and posts about your travels to the ‘young birthday’ celebration! :happy:

  3. That’s so awesome! :yes: Happy Birthday to your Mom! :hat: Ninety years…wow. I hope I make it that long!

  4. she’s coming up on 91 in June…I want her secret! Oil of Olay?Genetics. Same ones I gots.Damn. I’m never gonna die. (she actually complains that she “never planned on living this long”)

  5. Totally awesome pics, Robert! But..uh…where are you?! :irked: Wow…Lake Tahoe. πŸ˜₯ You make me miss N. CA on a daily basis. πŸ™ Enough about me, though…Happy Birtday to Mom!!! There’s no way in Hell I’d have guessed her to be 90. Wow..amazing. I want her secret! Oil of Olay? πŸ˜†

  6. no (tobacco) smoking in this familyif you saw the self-portrait recently posted to my blog, that was me at 47. Not bad, eh?

  7. :lol:So..uh…do you use Oil of Olay? If I were to open your medicine cabinet or where ever you keep your pharmaceuticals, would I find a plethora of anti-aging ointments, creams, astringents…etc? BTW – Are you a smoker? Is your Mom a smoker?If so, I’m going to go back to smoking. πŸ˜†

  8. :eyes: WAIT! WTF? 47? I had no idea you were even close to that! :yikes: No freakin’ way, dude. Yes, I called you ‘dude’. That’s simply amazing. Mighty fine, indeed.Okay, so what I need to do is go to the nearest head shop, purchase a big bong, and then go downtown, get a big-ass bag of weed and toke it up like I’ve never toked it up before! :yes: Sounds like an amazing plan to me! :lol:It’s been about..uh…*thinking*…5 months since I’ve partaken in the reefer madness. Holy shit, do I miss it. What I DON’T miss are the munchies. That’s the biggest reason I quit. I was gaining weight. No can do…I have issues surrounding my body image. (eating disorders..etc.) The last thing I need is something to make me fat! :yikes:But if it’ll make me look young, I’m willing to try again! :yes:Thanks for the advice. Lonnie will adore you for it! πŸ˜†

  9. Holy shitballs! :eyes:I’ve only done that once, too..when I was 17. Got pretty baked (no pun intended), but I still preferred smoking it. I wasn’t exactly a model citizen/student when I was a kid. :left:

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