The Subjugation of our Canine Brothers

"Pets" indeed!

Right outside my window, the neighbor is "training" their puppy. Listening to someone training a dog can be really annoying. I find myself wanting the dog to bite him!

(I know, it's sooo wrong…)

3 Replies to “The Subjugation of our Canine Brothers”

  1. Right across the street from me is a poop puppy that gets no attention and what little he gets isn’t nice, the kick and scare him. šŸ™ I wish I could have that puppy. Those people make me really mad. :irked:

  2. what i learned from my training sessions was that as a human companion to a canine, i had more to learn than the canine did. training sessions should not distrupt your neighbor, for then they are sure to be ineffective for the human and the canine.poor treatment of animals should be taken seriously, because any human that treats an animal with disrespect that they “own” is probably treating other humans around them with even more disrespect! i would encourage you to take action, but i understand it is not easy because they are your neighbors. there are some passive techniques that can educate your neighbors to change their behavior, but they involve your time and your attention.i have to regularly check on my husky friend. he’s gotten used to telling me if my neighbor hasn’t left him water or food. my neighbor has good intentions, but very little education and time to care for a canine companion, imo. she is not a bad person, but she doesn’t care much for anyone except herself!

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