Michelangelo & the Pope

Oh Lord, lead me not into huge repositories of Monty Python videos. I may never emerge alive again!

(I also watched the entire “Cheese Shop” sketch. It reminds me of the time I went into a Starbucks, South of Market in San Francisco, and after waiting patiently in line– while people ordered their double-decaf, no-fat-soy-milk-amaretto Frappianomachichino-whatchamacallits– and finally ordered my small (In Starbuckian parlance: Tall) coffee– whereupon I was told– and I quote– “we don’t have any coffee today.” (the coffeemaker was out of service))

8 Replies to “Michelangelo & the Pope”

  1. Bloody fascist! Heh. That’s a good ‘un!I have given up on Starbucks unless there’s just no other coffee to be had. It gives me EXTREME pleasure to go in and order a regular drip coffee with milk in. Blows the coffee-pourers’ (I refuse to call ’em barristas, like what are they, magicians of making a damn cup of coffee) ever lovin’ minds 😀

  2. you should try 7-eleven. “we brew it fresh to your order. if there isn’t fresh coffee on, just ask the clerk. if the clerk doesn’t brew you fresh coffee upon request, you’ve got free coffee coming!” — just make the request. SCS will abide by their coffee pledge to customer service. 🙂

  3. You pretty much hit the nail on the head with that one. I can honestly say that all the places I worked were pretty hip and down to Earth. Not all pretentious and snooty. I would never even bother to apply at a place like that. I like Starbuck’s coffee, though. I don’t mind going through the drive-thru for a caffeine fix. :coffee:

  4. I never thought you did.(for one thing, you’d be in jail for multiple homicides. they get the most obnoxious, cell phone addicted yuppiescum (is that one word or two?) on the planet slumming through there. I get the definite sense that you are not one to tolerate such contemptable herd-animals lightly…)

  5. I LOVE baristas (especially cute female ones). But I will regularly walk several blocks out of my way to avoid getting my coffee at a $tarbucks.

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