My brother, marching proudly into the late 20th Century…

My brother, who is a very good violin player, is finally getting some of his work online. He’s played with tons of people, Dan Hicks’ Acoustic Warriors, Ancient Future, the Waybacks, Queen Ida & her Bon Temps Zydeko Band (and with whom he recorded on a Grammy-winning record, and appeared on Saturday Night Live), and with Richie Blackmore (remember “Smoke on the Water”? well… I have stories…)

Anyway, here’s one of his recordings, recorded with Ancient Future, and that’s Zakir Hussein (of Ravi Shankar fame) on Tabla. The piece is called Lakshmi Rocks Me (originally just “L”), inspired by the playing of Lakshminarayanan Shankar of Shakti (with John McGlaughlin). Seems like every thing he recorded up to that time had a distinctly “Indian subcontinental” vibe to it. He’s vegetarian– I think he thinks he’s Hindu. or Buddhist, or something…


We’re driving up to El Dorado County (in the Sierra Nevada foothills) in a couple of weeks to celebrate my Mother’s 90th birthday.

Yeah, we got longevity in the family. No hurry…

His mySpace link. Don’t worry. I’ll fix this one up…

11 Replies to “My brother, marching proudly into the late 20th Century…”

  1. WOW.I have tried and tried to play violin–didn’t start til I was 28, so that’s part of the problem–also, I’m lazy–also, not a musical bone in my body.That is COOL. I love Indian music, and he plays wonderfully!

  2. WAY cool music! Thanks for pointing it out. Of course now I am going to go to your bro’s MySpace page & beg for a video for if they have one.Wow. That’s some serious musical talent!

  3. I don’t know if you’ll be able to get a video out of him– just getting him on “MySpace” was a major enterprise. He teaches teenagers, so I’m sure he’s heard of this “video”, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have any. (unless he still has a VHS copy of his performance with Queen Ida on SNL)

  4. that was good. thanks. being a tone-deaf person who cannot carry a tune i’ve always been jealous of those who could. one day i hope to be able to compose a song, one day — maybe by the time i turn ninety! good post, good read, and very good write. seems talent runs in your family mr. robert! imo.

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