How many synonyms can you think of for the word “butt”?

So anyway… I’m at Lucky Supermarket, picking up a prescription at the pharmacy (a story in itself, involving the reasons why pharmacists should refrain from “snacking” on the job…)– when I see THIS:


on the magazine aisle. My first thought is this: obviously someone has determined that there is a significant market for this sort of publication (and not for such fringe periodicals such as Discover, Smithsonian, and National Geographic).

I figure this would be an amusing “fluff piece” for my blog, and I look for a cover shot on the internet, where I come across this website, with the following publications available for perusal by fitness pervs of discriminating palattes:

1buttbook_lrg.jpg         acglutes_lrg.jpg

Butt WAIT! There’s MORE!!!

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