Render unto Caesar

'God, deliver us from these high gas prices'

Pray-in at Chevron Station, hoping for a miracle

Rocky Twyman has a radical solution for surging gasoline prices: prayer.

Twyman – a community organizer, church choir director and public relations consultant from the Washington, D.C., suburbs – staged a pray-in at a San Francisco Chevron station on Friday, asking God for cheaper gas. He did the same thing in the nation's Capitol on Wednesday, with volunteers from a soup kitchen joining in. Today he will lead members of an Oakland church in prayer.

Yes, it's come to that.

"God is the only one we can turn to at this point," said Twyman, 59. "Our leaders don't seem to be able to do anything about it. The prices keep soaring and soaring."

the rest of the story

I think Jesus was pretty unequivocal on this point. When asked his position on taxation, he was incredulous: Asking for a coin, he held it up to his questioners and asked, "Whose likeness is on this coin?" When they answered Caesar, he said, "Then what is Caesars, and render unto the Lord [the Spirit] that which belongs to the Lord [Sprit]."

The price of gas is a mess people have gotten themselves into, and to beg for Deus ex Machina at this point is purely childish.

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