Webmasters of the Universe

I’m back into the 9 2 5 routine, working as a webmaster for ZAPWorld.com (ZAAP), a distributer of electric vehicles, including cars & scooters (I wouldn’t mind tootling around on one of their ZAPinos ™, it looks like a Vespa). I just started the week before last, but take a look around the showroom:


Clicking on the picture will take you to a page that I slapped put together on Friday, with a virtual tour of the showroom in downtown Santa Rosa. ZAP’s all-electric scooters are zero-emission vehicles. Green and fun for the whole family. Buy one for that favorite grandmother who’s got everything!
Buy one for each of the kids! They’ll just LOVE the continental styling of Zapino!

16 Replies to “Webmasters of the Universe”

  1. Sometimes it takes awhile to load (I discovered the HTML embed, which works in Firefox & IE– both 6 and 7– doesn’t “play” in Opera. So I’m linking directly to the Quicktime.)

  2. There. It should be working now. I’ve tested it in Firefox, IE, Opera & Safari on Mac. If it doesn’t work for you now…Whaddya WANT from ME???};-)>

  3. Is this place in the U.S. ? One of the colleges here had a show with electric cars yesterday, part of the Earth Day celebration. Unfortunately I missed it all due to a migraine I had been dealing with for 3 days.

  4. 😎 I will link that page about the cars and company, into some of the environmental activist sites I belong to!

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