Amazon is EVIL, Part II: Amazon supports Cock Fighting and Dog Fighting

Google “Boycott Amazon“.

The third item is actually on the Amazon site, and you can purchase wonderful products like instruction manuals for staging events like cockfighting & dogfighting!

But don’t take MY word for it. Check & SEE:


for the original screenshot (in case Amazon wises up and removes the offending page from their site):

see also, this page

and versus the Humane Society

Support your local bookstore, or Amazon will be your ONLY source for in-depth information!

10 Replies to “Amazon is EVIL, Part II: Amazon supports Cock Fighting and Dog Fighting”

  1. It’s going to get me flamed like a rocketship to Mars, but I don’t know about boycotting Amazon over this. There’s a lot of questionable material on Amazon, and idiots can get anything published. I don’t know that the target audience of such publications read all that much anyway besides phone numbers off bathroom walls.A boycott seems too much like censorship to me.

  2. Actually, my main beef with Amazon is that it has the same effect on local bookstores as Wal$Mart has on local businesses in general. Also, they just ripped me off, and there’s no “brick & mortar” establishment to deal with.They are a mercantile vapor, not a bookstore.

  3. :rolleyes: I wonder if anybody put this on their Gift and Wish Lists, and if so, why? :confused: We should follow that person :sherlock:*for shame* on all of them!

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