and, in other news: Residents of Sodom…

People of Lesbos take gay group to court over term ‘Lesbian’

By NICHOLAS PAPHITIS, Associated Press Writer

ATHENS, Greece – A Greek court has been asked to draw the line between the natives of the Aegean Sea island of Lesbos and the world’s gay women.

Three islanders from Lesbos — home of the ancient poet Sappho, who praised love between women — have taken a gay rights group to court for using the word lesbian in its name.

One of the plaintiffs said Wednesday that the name of the association, Homosexual and Lesbian Community of Greece, “insults the identity” of the people of Lesbos, who are also known as Lesbians.

“My sister can’t say she is a Lesbian,” said Dimitris Lambrou. “Our geographical designation has been usurped by certain ladies who have no connection whatsoever with Lesbos,” he said.

Seriously– the rest of the story HERE…

How many synonyms can you think of for the word “butt”?

So anyway… I’m at Lucky Supermarket, picking up a prescription at the pharmacy (a story in itself, involving the reasons why pharmacists should refrain from “snacking” on the job…)– when I see THIS:


on the magazine aisle. My first thought is this: obviously someone has determined that there is a significant market for this sort of publication (and not for such fringe periodicals such as Discover, Smithsonian, and National Geographic).

I figure this would be an amusing “fluff piece” for my blog, and I look for a cover shot on the internet, where I come across this website, with the following publications available for perusal by fitness pervs of discriminating palattes:

1buttbook_lrg.jpg         acglutes_lrg.jpg

Butt WAIT! There’s MORE!!!

New Chemical Weapon Induces Listlessness, Dissatisfaction With Life

WASHINGTON—Calling it the most effective tool to date in the War on Terror, the Pentagon announced Monday that it had developed a new chemical weapon called “ennui gas,” a nerve agent that overwhelms its victims with sudden philosophical distress over the meaningless tedium of human life and a sinking sense that everything they have ever accomplished ultimately amounts to dust.

“When the enemy inhales the gas, he will immediately retreat to his bedroom, lock the door, stare at the ceiling, pick idly at his fingernails, and muse upon the similarities between fingernails and the fragility of life,” Defense Secretary Robert Gates said.

Recently disclosed Pentagon documents indicate that the gas has a dissemination radius of four to eight miles, and that neither protective masks nor a positive outlook on life can prevent infection. Symptoms include uncontrollable sighing, repeated utterances of the phrase “What’s the use?” a confusion and bitterness regarding one’s place in the universe, and an increased proclivity to listen to Lou Reed records.

If one’s skin comes into contact with the agent, the physical effects are more severe. These include a sudden numbing of the very soul, a feeling that one is being crushed under the weight of the emptiness all around him, and mild eye irritation.


More than half of those exposed to ennui gas will suffer some permanent effects, including the tendency to view their existence not as a rich tapestry woven by memory and experience, but as one transitory life’s insignificant brushstroke on the canvas of eternity.

Though critics allege that the gas violates the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention treaty, the U.S. claims the substance is legal because it is not physically harmful. The military assured Amnesty International and other human-rights groups that ennui gas causes no pain, save for the pain of realizing that one has wasted his life.

As proof, Pentagon representative Byron Christie voluntarily inhaled a small amount of ennui gas at a private press conference last week.

“Because ennui gas is a nonpersistent substance, it is highly probable that its victims will someday feel whole again,” said Christie, suddenly furrowing his brow and gripping his temples. “Then again, no one is truly whole, are they? We are all just pieces of flesh and bone masquerading as life, and the world will go on without me, my absence unnoticed, death as futile as life. Pain hath no sting, and pleasure’s wreath no flower.”

Webmasters of the Universe

I’m back into the 9 2 5 routine, working as a webmaster for (ZAAP), a distributer of electric vehicles, including cars & scooters (I wouldn’t mind tootling around on one of their ZAPinos ™, it looks like a Vespa). I just started the week before last, but take a look around the showroom:


Clicking on the picture will take you to a page that I slapped put together on Friday, with a virtual tour of the showroom in downtown Santa Rosa. ZAP’s all-electric scooters are zero-emission vehicles. Green and fun for the whole family. Buy one for that favorite grandmother who’s got everything!
Buy one for each of the kids! They’ll just LOVE the continental styling of Zapino!

(The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes


(The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes

Oh I used to be disgusted
and now I try to be amused.
But since their wings have got rusted,
you know, the angels wanna wear my red shoes.

But when they told me ’bout their side of the bargain,
that’s when I knew that I could not refuse.
And I won’t get any older, now the angels wanna wear my red shoes.

I was watching while you’re dancing away.
Our love got fractured in the echo and sway.
How come everybody wants to be your friend?
You know that it still hurts me just to say it.

Oh, I know that she’s disgusted (oh why’s that)
Cause she’s feeling so abused. (oh that’s too bad)
She gets tired of the lust, (oh I’m so sad)
but it’s so hard to refuse.
How can you say that I’m too old,
when the angels have stolen my red shoes.

Oh, I said “I’m so happy, I could die.”
She said “Drop dead,” then left with another guy.
That’s what you get if you go chasing after vengeance.
Ever since you got me punctured this has been my sentence.
Oh I used to be disgusted
and now I try to be amused.
But since their wings have got rusted,
you know, the angels wanna wear my red shoes.

Red shoes, the angels wanna wear my red shoes.

Feds to collect DNA from every person they arrest

Not to be alarmist or anything…

The government plans to begin collecting DNA samples from anyone arrested by a federal law enforcement agency — a move intended to prevent violent crime but which also is raising concerns about the privacy of innocent people.

Using authority granted by Congress, the government also plans to collect DNA samples from foreigners who are detained, whether they have been charged or not. The DNA would be collected through a cheek swab, Justice Department spokesman Erik Ablin said Wednesday. That would be a departure from current practice, which limits DNA collection to convicted felons.

Let’s look closely at these numbers for a sec:

There are dozens of federal law enforcement agencies, ranging from the FBI to the Library of Congress Police. The federal government estimates it makes about 140,000 arrests each year.

Justice officials estimate the new collecting requirements would add DNA from an additional 1.2 million people to the database each year.

Those who support the expanded collection believe that DNA sampling could get violent criminals off the streets and prevent them from committing more crimes.

A Chicago study in 2005 found that 53 murders and rapes could have been prevented if a DNA sample had been collected upon arrest.

Let’s see, 1,400,000 violations of citizen’s civil rights to catch (perhaps) 53 people who might be guilty. Seems like fucking raving fascist lunacy perfectly harmless to me…

“Many innocent lives could have been saved had the government began this kind of DNA sampling in the 1990s when the technology to do so first became available,” Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., said. Kyl sponsored the 2005 law that gave the Justice Department this authority.

Let’s send Senator Kyl to Guantanamo for Christmas, shall we? And what about the other members of Congress who went along with this travesty of legislation?

More of the sordid tale HERE

Scientists predict increasingly weird-ass weather

Ok– maybe not scientists, per se— or maybe not in so many words… but WTF?!! What’s up with this Bay Area weather? Weather, in the San Francisco Bay Area, is notable for its extreme moderation: mild Winters, and hot (in the outlying regions), but not sweltering Summers…
But this last week, in the course of five days… we go from Winter weather to Summer heat two days later– the hills turning from green to brown seemingly overnight– and today we’re back to a blast of Arctic air (albeit, with nary a cloud in the sky)…


Amazon is EVIL, Part II: Amazon supports Cock Fighting and Dog Fighting

Google “Boycott Amazon“.

The third item is actually on the Amazon site, and you can purchase wonderful products like instruction manuals for staging events like cockfighting & dogfighting!

But don’t take MY word for it. Check & SEE:


for the original screenshot (in case Amazon wises up and removes the offending page from their site):

see also, this page

and versus the Humane Society

Support your local bookstore, or Amazon will be your ONLY source for in-depth information!

Boycott Amazon!

I just got ripped off by one of their merchants. I was sent a computer book without the CD that holds the exercise files, rendering the book 100% useless.When I returned the book (at my expense), the “merchant”, bray726, claimed that I damaged the book (after I saw it was missing the disk, I put it back in the box with the original paking material), and Amazon allowed the to shortchange me on the refund.

Greetings from,

This notice serves as confirmation that we have initiated a refund in the
amount of $18.94 for Order # ***** from [email protected].
Here are the details of your refund(s) related to this order.

Item: Refund for Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out [Paperback] by
Viescas, John L…
Refund: $18.94
Reason for refund: Since you have agreed to accept a different item of
lesser value we have processed a credit to your account as requested by
the merchant
Memo from seller: The book was in horrible condition when i received it,
it took you 2 weeks to return it giving you plenty of time to retrieve the
info you needed from the book. The condition of the book obviously shows
you USED the book within the past 2 weeks.

Total refund for this order: $18.94

The amount I initially spent:


Shipping Details : bray726
Order number: *****
Shipping Method: Standard Shipping

Subtotal of Items: $19.95
Shipping & Handling: $3.99
Total for this Order: $23.94

Shipping To

Robert Hurley

Not to mention the $9.60 I spent on return postage, bringing the total amount to $33.54!

And Amazon won’t even let me file a claim until April 10! That’s three days from now.

Here is a screenshot of the address of the alleged “merchant”, bray726: The Computer Lab, RR1 Box 1485, Henryville, PA, from Google Earth:


SCREW AMAZON! More on this later…