Ad Campaign Appeals To Young, Hip, Influenced-By-Ad-Campaigns Demographic

All too true, albeit lifted entirely from the Onion:

NEW YORK—According to new market research, a multimillion dollar broadcast, radio, print, billboard, and online viral campaign launched Monday by the Axiom Marketing Agency tested “off the charts” among its target market of hip, urban 18- to 34-year-olds who base their actions and opinions entirely on the suggestions of ad campaigns. “This is exactly the type of customer we’re looking to reach,” said the campaign’s chief strategist Ben Jacobs, 28. “It’s showing tremendous impact on the cool, media-savvy rebels who distrust authority, prize alternative culture, think outside of the mainstream, and are willing to base their actions entirely on advertising images presented to them on TV. How dope is that?” The campaign, which advertises a new, youth-oriented version of Raisinets called Raisin d’Etre, is expected to make an impressive showing at the upcoming Counterculture Ad Fair sponsored by Procter and Gamble and held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

Dilbert as Documentary


For those people who find Dilbert a little obscure…

I remember during the dot-com daze, recruiters wanted Java programmers with more years of experience than the language had even been in existence for. Last year, I saw an ad on Cragslist for a web developer, requiring someone to have six years of experience in Ruby on Rails. Let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about this:

Ruby on Rails was extracted by David Heinemeier Hansson from his work on Basecamp, a project management tool by the web design (now web application) company 37signals. It was first released to the public in July 2004. In August 2006 Apple announced that it would ship Ruby on Rails with Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard, which was released in October 2007.

Obviously, you had to be way ahead of the curve for this position. I was tempted to apply just to see what would happen.