CONTEST! Dr. Jack needs a Campaign Slogan!

The story:

Kevorkian Kicks Off Congressional Run

The Associated Press
Monday, March 24, 2008; 8:27 PM


SOUTHFIELD, Mich. — Jack Kevorkian, the assisted-suicide advocate who served eight years in prison for second-degree murder, announced Monday he’s running for Congress as an independent.

Kevorkian, 79, is jumping into a competitive congressional race, challenging a Republican incumbent for a district in suburban Detroit.

“I’m not a politician,” Kevorkian said, adding he is not tied to anybody or anything. “My mind is free. So I can say what I think.”

Although he has been nicknamed “Dr. Death,” Kevorkian didn’t say much about assisted suicide at his news conference. He alluded to it, though, saying: “What I did was my right.”

If elected, he said his main priority will be promoting the little-known Ninth Amendment, which protects rights not explicitly specified elsewhere in the U.S. Constitution. Kevorkian said he interprets it as protecting a person’s choice to die through assisted suicide or to avoid wearing a seat belt.

Person who responds with the best slogan wins… uh…

um… bragging rights or somethin’…

the rest of the story

12 Replies to “CONTEST! Dr. Jack needs a Campaign Slogan!”

  1. Yep, apparently not. I just know when in was in prison he wanted out because he was dying. Good thing he didn’t want to commite suicide because he has a fatal condition.

  2. Jack KevorkianWould it kill you to vote for me?Dr. Kevorkian:Prescribing the right medicine for Government!Kevorkian:He’ll do what the Democratic Party only does around elections.Kevorian:Why should right-to-lifers monopolize the debate?

  3. Here are some possible slogans for Dr. Death’s Run.”Kevorkian. Death AND Taxes!””Give Death a Chance!””I’d Rather Re Dead.””Give me liberty or…never mind!””Let me help, Detroit!”The guy IS evil.

  4. Well, if a dead man can be elected to congress, why can’t a murderer?How much would it suck to lose to this guy? 🙂

  5. I’m in a Social Justice class and doing a report on the 9th Amendment. When googling it, your page obviously appeared. To write you a comment I had to do the whole nine yards of making a user name and such. I am thinking that Kevorkian can give my presentation the twist needed to keep my classmates awake. Also I am just looking for feedback on the 9th Amendment in general. I am aware that this is an older blog, however I would still like to add a slogan if I may….“Bush or Kevorkian you’re better off dead” Thanks for your time and I hope to hear back—-babyber

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