Returning to my roots

Media Vulture is circling once again

Look. I’m an opinionated m@#%*!f&?%@!. I’m really good at expressing things verbally, but when I go to write something, I end up editing more than I write. This is probably due to the fact that I studied writing with Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winners at a young & tender age. They were trying to turn me into John Updike when I really hadn’t done anything worth writing about yet.

When I started college (a year early) at the age of 17, I declared myself a Journalism major, and tool exactly one Journalism class. My instructor later became famous– as a hostage in Beirut. I have another blog that I started before this one, which was supposed to examine politics, culture & media (under the name of Max LaCosse, my noirish alter-ego) titled Media Vulture, and which I have neglected for far too long. I intend to remedy this by treating it as a job, forcing myself to spend a certain number of hours each day, researching my subject, and filing a story every day.

Let’s see if I’m able to do this. I’m not sure about you, but I wouldn’t advise anyone to hold their breath.

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