I like to check Hitslink to find out where in the world people are surfing in from. Yesterday (and today), I noticed that I was getting a lot of traffic from a site called “opencongress.org“. I went to take a look at the site, and discovered my Wikilinks posting was excerpted on the front page of their blogroll. OpenCongress is a congressional watchdog group, and is a joint project of the Sunlight Foundation and the Participatory Politics Foundation. I recommend that you check out their sites.
Oddly, this was one of the posts that (mysteriously) did not appear in the Opera Community blogroll. I have no idea why this, and one other post, Returning to my roots, were conspicuously omitted by the blogroll.
Some pictures, for your dining & dancing pleasure:
Republican presidential candidate John McCain said President Bush should veto a measure that would bar the CIA from using waterboarding and other harsh interrogation methods on terror suspects.
McCain voted against the bill, which would restrict the CIA to using only the 19 interrogation techniques listed in the Army field manual.
His vote was controversial because the manual prohibits waterboarding — a simulated drowning technique that McCain also opposes — yet McCain doesn’t want the CIA bound by the manual and its prohibitions.
McCain clarifies:
“I think I can show my record is clear. I said there should be additional techniques allowed to other agencies of government as long as they were not” torture.
There. Clear as mud…
Stop by my news & media blog, Media Vulture, for this and more
Look. I’m an opinionated m@#%*!f&?%@!. I’m really good at expressing things verbally, but when I go to write something, I end up editing more than I write. This is probably due to the fact that I studied writing with Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winners at a young & tender age. They were trying to turn me into John Updike when I really hadn’t done anything worth writing about yet.
When I started college (a year early) at the age of 17, I declared myself a Journalism major, and tool exactly one Journalism class. My instructor later became famous– as a hostage in Beirut. I have another blog that I started before this one, which was supposed to examine politics, culture & media (under the name of Max LaCosse, my noirish alter-ego) titled Media Vulture, and which I have neglected for far too long. I intend to remedy this by treating it as a job, forcing myself to spend a certain number of hours each day, researching my subject, and filing a story every day.
Let’s see if I’m able to do this. I’m not sure about you, but I wouldn’t advise anyone to hold their breath.
I’ve just been to see my best friend He’s got another girl Says she’s just about the best thing In the whole damn world
And he says can’t you see what the little lady’s done for me Says it like he thinks I’m blind But the things that you see ain’t necessarily the things you can find
Happy loving couples make it look so easy Happy loving couples always talk so kind Until the time that I can do my dancing with a partner Those happy couples ain’t no friends of mine
People say I’m too damn fussy When it comes to girls Happy couples say I must live In a lonely world
Wanna be, wanna really be what my friends pretend to be Be it in my own good time Being kind to myself till I become one of two of a kind
Happy loving couples make it look so easy Happy loving couples always talk so kind Until the time that I can do my dancing with a partner Those happy couples ain’t no friends of mine
You ain’t no friends of mine
You know what I mean Happy loving couples In matching lamb turtle-neck sweaters Reading ideal homes magazine Yeah!
Wanna be, wanna really be what my friends pretend to be Be it in my own good time Being kind to myself till I become one of two of a kind
Happy loving couples make it look so easy Happy loving couples always talk so kind Until the time that I can do my dancing with a partner Those happy couples ain’t no friends of mine You ain’t no friends of mine You ain’t no friends of mine You ain’t no friends of mine You ain’t no friends of mine You ain’t no friends of mine
Right, that’s enough
–Cupid pilfered from angel292005 (Sarah) – sorry, I couldn’t resist…
Sorry about taking so long to get around to doing this, but I just got my laptop out of storage, and I haven’t had much uninterrupted time on a computer for awhile. Anyway, here it goes:
The rules:
Link to the person that tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. Tag six random people at the end of your post by links to their blogs. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website. (make this easy …copy˛˛paste˛˛change up a few things here and there…)
1. I once went to all my classes blindfolded, for a full day (in college) 2. I used to have a recording studio 3. I went to Idaho in the dead of winter to see a total solar eclipse 4. I refuse to wear anything from Nike or The Gap (including its subsidiaries, Old Navy or Banana Republic) 5. I was a vegetarian for five or six years 6. In my life I’ve owned five computers and four automobiles, yet only one television set (and only had that for less than a year)
And I’m going to try to tag only those who have not been tagged (once, twice, or more):