I decided to take a bus ride from Glen Ellen to Sonoma Plaza, just to take in the layout. One of the first things I pass is the Sonoma Developmental Center, although I did not know this at the time.
I thought, “My God! I’ve moved next door to the infamous Napa State Mental Hospital!” I had visions of being chased around by the Men In the White Coats with Butterfly Nets™, mistaking me for an escapee. Later, somebody was kind enough to point out we were one full county/valley over from Napa Valley, and in fact, the place was not the celebrated institution of yore. I nevertheless reasoned that one can’t be too careful, but…
but I set foot on the property. a cat yowled in the distance. someone stole my lunchbox…
and uh, btw… Penguina might want to ease off the eggnog…
😆 😀